Benji Espinoza, Lilia Paredes’ lawyer, says that Hugo Espino “has been pressured” to accuse

by time news

Lawyer Benji Espinozalegal defense of the first lady, Lilia Paredesassured that the president’s wife peter castle It has all kinds of roots to face the recent fiscal request for an impediment to leave the country for 36 months; However, he announced that neither he nor his sponsor have determined whether they will comply with this requirement.

“If there is a person rooted in the country, it is Lilia Paredes: family roots, work roots, home roots, then precisely because of that, and because there is no danger of flight, and there is no obstacle, it is that the exit impediment is being requested. That request has to be channeled through a hearing,” he noted.

“I have not yet decided, together with my client, if we are finally going to acquiesce to this request or not. We are going to analyze it in its entirety and so far we have not been notified, surely in the next few hours it will arrive. It depends (That they clear) of the arguments, the reasons that the Prosecutor’s Office exposes in its request, “he added.

In an interview with RPP Noticias, the president’s wife’s lawyer peter castle downplayed the arguments of the Prosecutor’s Office that point to the first lady as an alleged coordinator of a criminal group “entrenched in the highest positions in the Executive powerdedicated to the fraudulent delivery of works” in the district of Anguía.

“It is a set of bombastic, high-sounding phrases, and the Prosecutor’s Office is an expert in putting labels: they put a coordinator, next to it they put a criminal network, they say it is an organization, so we are all alarmed (…) I reserve myself from being able to go deeper because We have defense actions that we are going to raise against the accusation,” he said.

When asked about the direct accusation of the investigated businessman Hugo Espino towards the first lady, in which he points to her as a coordinator and a Yeniffer Paredes, his sister, as a figurehead in alleged illicit works, the presidential couple’s lawyer pointed out that he would have been pressured to make these accusations.

“You have to understand that Hugo Espino he was suffering imprisonment, he was suffering detention. She is a person who has been pressured. People are psychologically bowed down, they are psychologically defeated. I have seen cases of people who are bowed down, beaten down, psychologically pressured and say they were figureheads,” he said.

“Not because a person says it, finally it is. What I hope is that Mr. Espino shows evidence, which is the most important thing,” he added.

Exit restriction request

The Special Team of Prosecutors against the Corruption of Power requested 36 months of impediment to leave the country against the first lady, Lilia Paredesand his brothers, Walter and David Paredes Navarro, as well as the investigated businessman Hugo Espino.

Prosecutor Hans Aguirre made these requests as part of the preparatory investigation that follows these people for the alleged crime of criminal organization and others to the detriment of the State.

Aguirre Huatuco attributes to these people the fact of being part of an alleged criminal organization dedicated to fraudulent public tenders that had as its field of action the departments of Lima and Cajamarca, where front companies were favored with the granting of the good pro of related public works to the Ministry of Housing Construction and Sanitation for large sums of money despite not having the requirements required by law.

This tax requirement must be resolved by a preparatory investigation court in a virtual hearing to be scheduled where the parties involved in this case must participate.

PODCAST RPP: Congress has dismantled the reform in the university system, denounces Flor Pablo

The legislator said that there were economic interests behind the project approved by insistence in the plenary session of Parliament. On the other hand, legislator Alex Paredes, from the ruling Magisterial Block, justified his group’s support for the project’s insistence despite the fact that the government observed the law.

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