Bennett v. Opposition: “Lethal Poison Machine”

by time news

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett addressed a public letter today (Friday) amid the political crisis and attacked the opposition. He wrote that “at the moment there is only one side on the field – a noisy and deadly poison machine of Ben Gvir, Odeh, Netanyahu and Smutrich, which operates violence, extortion and mass of ‘Pike News’, while the silent majority who are happy from a calm and functioning government, is silent and takes everything of course “Obviously.”

Addressing the public, Bennett added about his decision about a year ago to form a government with Lapid: I knew that a huge poison machine would be turned against me, and I took it upon myself to be the human defender of the State of Israel. ”

The Likud responded to Bennett: “Bennett’s lies can not hide the fact that he transferred control of the country to Mansour Abbas, Ahmad Tibi and their pro-terrorism friends. Fuel, food and housing prices are breaking records, Bennett and Lapid are doing nothing but paying billions a week “Joint and Zoabi – just to keep sitting in the chair.”

The Religious Zionist Party also responded to the remarks, saying: “Even a lie that is repeated a thousand times in twenty pages does not become true. “Incites against the right, defames religious Zionism and calls on the left to go to civil war.”

Culture Minister Hili Trooper commented in an interview with Ze’ev Kam on this morning’s program here on Net B: “There are poison machines within the opposition – not all of them. There are elements in the opposition who took it to a dangerous place. “In opposition.” He added: “The State of Israel has been in political chaos for more than three years and all attempts to resolve it otherwise have failed. This year has not been characterized by great stability either.”

The Minister for Regional Cooperation, Issawi Frij, was also interviewed this morning by Network B and stated Meretz’s commitment to maintaining the coalition. Fridge referred to the Chumash High Court and called on coalition members to respect the law, while maintaining the status quo: “There is a law, how much can we in Meretz give up on values? The only chance for the government to continue to exist is to maintain the status quo. ” Look where we have come. “

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