Bennett voted against – the death penalty law for terrorists fell in the plenum

by time news

The death penalty law for terrorists submitted by Knesset members Mai Golan and Itamar Ben Gvir fell tonight (Wednesday) in a preliminary reading in the Knesset plenum.

Naftali Bennett voted against the law along with members of the joint list and RAAM and led to its downfall.

MK Mai Golan She said during the debate that preceded the vote on the law: “I submitted this IDF already in the previous term, unfortunately it did not even reach the ministerial committee because of who decided what is good enough for Israel and what is not, Nissenkorn.

And before I say the obvious: I want to read you a short paragraph from 4 years ago published in one of the media – “We note that the death penalty for terrorists law has been stuck in the Knesset for nearly a year, since it was approved in a preliminary reading in January. Given yesterday at a meeting of the heads of the coalition parties, at the request (pay attention to the applicant), the former chairman of the Jewish House and Minister Naftali Bennett.

Yes you heard right. He also opposes a law that he himself pushed to promote. I’m just wondering what’s going to happen if we connect Bennett to a polygraph, how soon he’s going to explode. And now, friends for a moment, the State of Israel is facing murderous terrorism and enemies at home and abroad who only want to destroy it. The State of Israel is in very dangerous days – most of the public is beginning to understand the magnitude of the danger.

Only today is the flag of the terrorist organization PLO raised in a very defiant manner in the stock exchange complex in the Ramat Gan. (It has already been taken down…)

The terrorists proudly raise their heads and smile at the cameras after carrying out attacks, this smile should be erased. A terrorist must know that he is dead and does not return alive from the scene of the attack or from the court.

What is good for the great and important democracy in the world – the United States – is good for us too! There is no legal impediment to sentencing to death and so it is time for us. Just today it was announced that terrorists do not want to be released from prison because they are too good there. It’s time to put an end to the prison camps of vile and despicable murderers who, instead of being sentenced to death, complete studies and a bachelor’s degree in prisons.

The deterrence will not come from sitting in jail for a few more years, or from demolishing another room in the terrorist’s family building a year after the attack, but only thanks to this bill. The refusal of the Attorney General and the members of the Ministerial Committee to promote it only further sharpens the need for new governance laws without unnecessary and self-interested intervention by legal officials and state officials who have never been elected by the public.

And after we talked about the right-wing Pike Prime Minister. There is another expert on lies and zigzags – Yvette Lieberman, who has supported and promoted this bill himself in recent years. After all, you kept saying that your word is a word! So let me tell you and your Lieberman voters something in your native language:



SKORA BUDET NOVAYA EI HAROSHI GAVERMENT (Lieberman is not a word, Lieberman is a crook and a liar, we will replace the government soon)

People like the right of this coalition, I understand that you have changed your faith, your ideology and your values ​​for the chairs, but look our people in the eyes – you know it will save lives! You know how important a deterrent it is!

The death penalty for terrorists is the only tool we have left to deter these bloodthirsty terrorists – and if it is difficult for you to vote for my law and that of MK Ben Gvir, submit it as a government bill. Make the change you are constantly talking about.

Thank you to Adv. Basarglik for his help in drafting the law and of course thank you to MK Ben Gvir, I am sorry that there are those who claim to be members of the national camp and still choose for such and other reasons not to vote for the law. It is sad that they are doing politics at the expense of the lives of Jews. “

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