“Benyamin Netanyahu informed the president last night that he was able to form a government. This is not true”

by time news

Attacks the government and appeals to the public: Outgoing Prime Minister Yair Lapid called a press conference this evening (Thursday) in which he attacked the government that is currently in place. Lapid claimed that Netanyahu is being manipulated by his partners in the future coalition and called on the public to get involved in the public arena.

“The Likud did not establish the government, they established it”

“I stand here and speak to you out of deep concern for the fate of Israeli society, I feel it is my duty to tell the public: the government established here is dangerous, extreme, irresponsible. It will end badly,” said Lapid. “Benyamin Netanyahu informed the president last night that it was within his power to form a government. This is not true. It was within the power of Deri, Smotrich and Ben Gvir to bend him. The Likud did not form the government, they formed it. Netanyahu is weak and they formed the most extreme government in the country’s history.”

Netanyahu: “Go home” Photo: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90

“We will fight for the rule of law, we will fight for the rights of women and the LGBT community, we will fight for the values ​​of the IDF, we will fight for the education of our children, we will fight for a tolerant Jewish identity, which is not used as an excuse for discrimination and racism,” added Lapid and asked the citizens of the country to see Involvement: “I am reading a map to the citizens of Israel. You have a role these days: to be engaged citizens who do not remain silent. Observe the law, but remind the government every day that you have rights and you are not preparing to give them up. Be on guard against a dangerous, extreme and irresponsible government. With a weak prime minister who lost control of her even before he was sworn in.”

Netanyahu responded: “Go home”

The incoming prime minister responded to the words and said in response: “Lapid, who left us a devastated country in economic and political collapse, with Iran racing towards nuclear power without an answer, with rampant murder and violence, is preaching to the next government with inventions that have no basis. Lapid – you lost the elections. Go home.”

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