Bercy dialogues on the budget, CNR … for Jordan Bardella “the place of discussion is the Assembly”

by time news

The RN closes the door to Gabriel Attal’s proposal. This Sunday, September 4, at noon, during “BFMTV Politics” in partnership with Le Parisien, the interim president of Marine Le Pen’s party, Jordan Bardella, ruled out participating in the “Bercy dialogues”. “No we will not go”, he explained, questioned on the invitation launched to the opposition in our columns by the Minister Delegate for Public Accounts to work with the government on the finance bill. “The place of discussion is the Assembly,” replied Jordan Bardella.

“Since it has been representative of the French people, the government has been trying to find alternative agoras”, he insisted, citing these “Bercy dialogues” or the National Council for Refoundation (CNR), launched next Thursday by Emmanuel Macron and in which the oppositions, including the RN, refuse to participate. “This is Emmanuel Macron’s latest gadget, after the Great Debate,” he scoffed. Before adding: “Let the government not be afraid of the National Assembly. »

On the question of the finance bill, which arrives in October in the Assembly, Jordan Bardella assured that the RN deputies would not vote for it, even if the content of the text is not yet known. “The French know the harshness of Emmanuel Macron’s policy”, he justified.

“We need a tax on superprofits”

The one who is a candidate for the succession of Marine Le Pen at the head of the RN in November assured that his party would vote on the other hand “for the extension of the tariff shield”. “Because we have no choice,” he immediately added, attacking the current government’s policy and precedents on nuclear power. “The government pushes us into the void, and once in the void they ask us: What would you do in the place of the government, annoyed Jordan Bardella. They are responsible for the situation we are in, they committed a moral fault and a serious economic crime, Emmanuel Macron, François Hollande, Élisabeth Borne, by organizing the end of Fessenheim. »

In the same way, he questioned the economic sanctions taken at European level against Vladimir Putin in the war in Ukraine. “During the presidential election, many of you criticized us when we expressed the greatest reservations about the sanctions on Russia… These sanctions are much more painful for the French than for the Russians”, he judged.

Finally, Jordan Bardella said he was in favor of taxing superprofits, without going so far as to support the shared initiative referendum launched by the PS supported by its Nupes allies. “We need a tax on superprofits. If the government does not do this, the French will have to vote for the National Rally next time, ”he concluded.

On internal issues, Jordan Bardella, opposed to Louis Aliot in the race to succeed Marine Le Pen at the head of the party, wanted to sweep away the idea that he might want to compete with her in 2027 for the presidential election. “Help me continue the work of Marine Le Pen, he launched to the activists who will vote in November. By voting for me they will also vote for Marine Le Pen. His candidacy in 2027 is obvious to me. I have always been by his side, I know what I owe him. »

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