Bergamo, Mycological Inspectorate points activated

by time news

With the beginning of the mushroom season, the Bergamo Health Protection Agency activates the Mycological Inspectorate points in the Bergamo area.

What does the mycological inspectorate do?

From August 19th to November 28th, citizens who have collected mushrooms, received them as gifts or purchased them outside of normal commercial circuits will be able to go to the offices specifically set up by ATS Bergamo to have their edibility checked, free of charge. The points are in Bergamo, Trescore Balneario and Treviglio. The activity is carried out by Prevention Technicians from the Department of Hygiene and Health Prevention of ATS, who after a theoretical-practical course have been qualified to act as Mycological Inspector.

From this season, to make an appointment at the Bergamo and Trescore Balneario offices, you can book using the dedicated platform via QR CODE, the link on the institutional page of ATS Bergamo Click here or by telephone; for the Treviglio office you will need to call.

Locations and times by appointment

Bergamo – Borgo Palazzo n. 13 on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 2pm to 4pm tel 035 2270557/586/499

Trescore – Via Ospedale n. 38 on Monday and Wednesday from 2pm to 4pm tel 035 385465/183/134/332

Treviglio – Via San Giovanni Bosco n.3, date and time to be agreed by calling 035 385163

How to treat fungi

The freshly picked mushroom must be cleaned briefly. Until the moment of delivery to the Mycological Inspectorate – which must happen as soon as possible – it must not be “stalked”, nor cleaned, nor washed, nor pre-cooked. It must also be stored in the refrigerator (not in the cellar) and not in plastic bags.

The expert mycologist will issue a certificate of edibility to private individuals: this service consists in checking the harvest and providing the user with specific instructions, relating to the correct conservation and heat treatment of the mushrooms before their consumption, in relation to the species presented.

191 certifications were issued in 2021, 295 in 2022 and 168 in 2023. Inedible, toxic or poisonous mushrooms are sent for destruction.

ATS Bergamo also provides 24-hour consultations to provincial hospitals and the poison control center in cases of suspected mushroom poisoning. The consultation results in the compilation of a mycological investigation form, which is necessary for the Emergency Room Doctor to evaluate the appropriate treatment path for the patient.

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