Berlusconi back to the Monza stadium. Snap the kiss of Fascina to goal

by time news

With Berlusconi and his girlfriend Fascina, Galliani, his brother Paolo, Ronzulli and the Ceo by Fininvest Pellegrino

Second Saturday in a row at the stadium, complete with kiss of his girlfriend Marta Fascina to the goal of Monza. Like last Saturday, even today Silvio Berlusconi was in the stands atU-Power Stadium to watch the Serie B championship match between the home team, which he owns, and Pisa.

In the stand of honor, alongside the leader of Forza Italia, was also present, among others, his brother Paolo, president of Monza, Adriano Galliani, managing director of the Brianza-based company, the companion and deputy of Come on Italy, Marta Fascinathe blue senator Licia Ronzulli and the CEO of Fininvest Danilo Pellegrino.

Every promise is a must: I’m back to see my Monza!“. It reads on Instagram profile by Berlusconi, in a photo that portrays him in the stands wearing goggles and a mask, next to his partner and Galliani.

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