Berlusconni’s death | Criticism in Italy for the mourning imposed by the death of Berlusconi

by time news

2023-06-13 19:33:13

The decision of the Government of Giorgia Meloni to declare the national mourning by death of Silvio Berlusconi has not been slow to fuel the latest controversy in Italia. politicians of left and center leftas well as Italian intellectuals and observers, have spoken out against this measure which, although provided for by law, is the first time it has been applied in the transalpine country for a former prime minister. Even more so when added to state funeralwhich will take place at the Milan Duomo this same Wednesday.

“State funerals are planned and appropriate, but national mourning for a divisive person as Berlusconi, in my opinion, is not an appropriate choice”, said Rosy Bindi, a former minister and historical figure of the Democratic Party (PD), the main opposition force. Berlusconi “had no respect for the state when evaded taxes and defrauded the treasury; he had no respect for the State when he consciously joined a Masonic lodge with clear subversive leanings; he had no respect for the State when, perhaps irresponsibly, he had among his employees a person affiliated with mafia organizations“, has argued the virologist and senator Andrea Crisanti, belonging to the same formation.

constitutional subversion

They have not been the only ones. The protest has also come from the university world. This is the case of Tomaso Montanari, professor of History of Modern Art, and rector of the University for Foreigners of Siena (UniStraSi), who even decided to openly defy the government of Melons. “Despite the fact that the Presidency of the Council has ordered the flags to be placed at half mast in all public buildings until Wednesday, I personally take responsibility that the UniStraSi flags are not flown at half mast,” the professor said.

The reason for this: “(Berlusconi) was the exact opposite of a statesman, rather a grotesque subversion of the constitutional project. There is no hate, but there is no hypocritical sanctification either,” Montanari explained. “In the end, each obeys his own conscience and a university that submits itself to a story like that is not a university”, he concluded. “I think it is legitimate to wonder if, in addition to state funerals, national mourning is not an exaggeration. I think so and I am against it”, agreed, for his part, Agostino Santillo, deputy of the 5 Star Movement (M5S, for its acronym in Italian).

Roberto D’Alimonte, college professor at the Luiss University of Rome, has proved him right, this time, to the critics. “I am not aware that in the last 30 years, or perhaps more, national mourning has been proclaimed in the case of a former president of the Council. (They say that) it is done for a character who has undoubtedly left his mark, but has also been a highly controversial figure. I would like to know the reasons of those who have made this decision,” D’Alimonte argued, saying he was “surprised” by the decision.

Congress suspended

“We say ‘no’ to national mourning for Berlusconi, a controversial character, involved with the mafia and P2. Let’s respect the man, but let’s not celebrate the politician“The Sardines, a movement born in 2019 to unite dissent against the Italian extreme right, have also reported. “(It is) the latest outrage,” they have considered.

However, sources from the Italian Parliament have also confirmed to this newspaper that, on the occasion of the death, also the italian congress has decided to suspend its activities for three days, since last Monday. The decision was made “by request of Forza Italia (Berlusconi’s party)”, the sources clarified, adding that work in the chamber will resume on Thursday.

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