Bernard Cazeneuve launches a “movement” to federate the left hostile to Nupes

by time news

Former Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve calls for the creation of a ” movement “ to federate left-wing tendencies hostile to the New Popular Ecological and Social Union (Nupes), in an interview with Point published on 1is february.

Mr. Cazeneuve, who left the Socialist Party (PS) in 2022, published a manifesto in September for a “other left” who “break with excess and sectarianism”signed by several hundred left-wing personalities, including almost all of the opponents of the pro-Nupes line within the PS.

“Nearly 6,000 people have already signed it and a territorial organization has been put in place. I have traveled the country in recent months at the invitation of local committees and I will continue these meetings. Experts, citizens from different backgrounds have come forward and a collective reflection has begun »argues the former tenant of Matignon.

“I now call for the federation of all these forces in an organization that proposes and brings together those who aspire, beyond their political affiliations to the left, to the advent of a credible and serious approach, capable of arousing new ‘hope. »

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Avoid the victory of the far right

The former Prime Minister of François Hollande explains that he “is for [lui] to avoid at all costs the victory of the far right” in 2027. “I am more determined than ever, along with many others, to take up this challenge”still assures the one who is very critical of the PS after the congress this weekend in Marseille.

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No political party strictly speaking for Mr. Cazeneuve, but “a movement which, if it unites, could eventually constitute a force”he explains, referring to the Convention of Republican Institutions created by François Mitterrand in 1964, seven years before the Epinay Congress of the PS.

The former deputy of the Channel also judges the pension reform “unfair” because’“it is based on the postponement of the legal age to 64, which will lead those who worked early, in the most demanding jobs, to have to work longer and, for some of them, to contribute forty-four years rather than forty-three years for a full pension”.

“The political calculation that led the executive to favor the consent of the parliamentary right, which has not yet been won over to this day, over that of the reformist unions has not contributed to creating the conditions for compromise and trust. To succeed, it would therefore have required more justice, more social democracy and less political calculations.according to him.

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