Bernardo Bátiz admits that there will be job losses due to the PJ reform

by times news cr

He Federal Judiciary Counselor Bernardo Bátiz Vázquezacknowledged that there will be those who lose their jobs as part of the implementation of the reform of the judiciary.

“I am sure that no one will be harmed in their economic rights. Some will lose their jobs, but like any worker who separates or has to change or leave, they have the right to their severance pay, their pension, I am not going to list them. But all of those will be respected,” he clarified.

Interviewed in the Senate after attending as a special guest the installation of the Justice Commission chaired by the senator of Morena, Javier Corral, Bernardo Bátiz said that the election of judges, magistrates and ministers by popular vote will democratize the Judicial Branch, putting it on a similar level to that of the Executive and Legislative branches.

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He described the reform as a “revolution” that goes deep, and denied that elected judges would lose their autonomy, “the risk of losing independence was greater when they were appointed.”

The counselor of the Judiciary acknowledged that the Judiciary went through a crisis due to the indefinite work stoppage called by workers, judges, magistrates and ministers; however, next Monday, when activities resume, this will be resolved.

He considered it reasonable to have concerns about the possible infiltration of undue interests, such as organized crime, in the election of judges, magistrates and ministers, although he clarified that “this is a latent risk in any democratic system, which must be confronted with clear mechanisms of transparency and control.”

The former attorney general of Justice of the Federal District, He ruled out running for a position as a minister of the Court, “my future has already passed, I think young people should come.”

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2024-09-21 21:22:13

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