Best Sleeping Position In First Trimester Of Pregnancy, If you adopt this method of sleeping from the first trimester of pregnancy, then you will get good sleep, you will also get relief from back pain – how to sleep in pregnancy, best pregnancy sleeping positions

by times news cr

Sleep Tips for Pregnant Women

Many changes ‌occur in the body during ‍pregnancy,‌ leading to difficulty in achieving restful sleep. A study reveals that 25%⁤ of pregnant women struggle with sleep issues. Dr. Archana Malik, ‌an Ayurvedic specialist, shared valuable​ insights on⁣ proper sleeping positions for pregnant women in an Instagram ​video.

Incorrect ⁤Sleeping Positions to Avoid

Sleeping on the back is ⁣discouraged due⁢ to potential complications. It can impede blood circulation in the mother and fetus, negatively impacting ​the muscles and spinal cord. Additionally, this ‍position can compromise oxygen intake for the fetus.

Tips for Back⁢ Pain Relief

For pregnant women experiencing back ⁤pain,‌ placing a pillow under the head ‌and ⁤feet ‌while sleeping can provide‌ relief.

Recommended Sleeping Position: Left Side

The American Pregnancy Association recommends sleeping on the left side (SOS position) for optimal⁣ blood flow to ⁣the placenta and fetus. This position‌ also helps prevent varicose veins and hemorrhoids.

Sleeping Tips for the First ⁤Trimester

During the first trimester, ⁣the uterus is relatively small, ‌making it comfortable to ​sleep on the back. If preferred, sleeping on the right or left side is also​ suitable.


This article provides general information and should not be considered medical⁣ advice. Always consult your⁤ doctor⁤ for personalized guidance and treatment.

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