Best vitamins to open the appetite in adults

by time news
  • A balanced diet, consisting of all the necessary nutrients to keep us healthy, is essential at any age.
  • Sometimes it happens that we present periods of lack of appetite, in which it does not cause us to eat food.
  • This leads to an energy deficit that limits us to effectively carry out the activities of our daily dynamics.
  • Lack of appetite is an eating disorder that is usually transitory and, depending on the cause that originates it, can be reversed without creating further complications.

However, in some cases it could also be prolonged and mean an alert to some pathology that requires professional attention.

Main causes of lack of appetite

The causes that cause the lack of appetite They are very varied and of a physiological, emotional or pathological nature:

  • Physiological. These are stationary manifestations that should not lead to severe repercussions: food indigestion, poisoning, taking medications, viral or bacterial conditions…
  • Emotional: They are associated with psychological alterations, such as depression, stress or anxiety. The complexity in these cases depends on the discomfort that is experienced.
  • Pathological: These are chronic or serious diseases that could cause a lack of appetite for a long time. These include anorexia and bulimia, various types of cancer, obstructive lung disease, liver failure, heart disorders, hypothyroidism, among others.

Regardless of the cause that generates loss of appetite, it is essential to induce food intake naturally.

In this sense, some vitamins are the healthiest resource to achieve this purpose.

What vitamins to take to whet your appetite?

Given the need to receive nutritional contributions that allow the optimal functioning of our body, below we indicate the best vitamins to whet the appetite in adults.

Vitamin B1

The B1 can be found at B-Complex from EssentialSeries.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) helps body cells convert carbohydrates into energy.

This vitamin is found in a variety of foods, such as: pork, fish, legumes, seeds, nuts, whole grain products, fortified cereals. The required dose can be supplemented by dietary supplements.

Its deficiency can cause loss of appetite and weight, as well as muscle weakness.

Vitamina B12

Vitamin B12 Cyanocobalamin from EssentialSeries

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) from EssentialSeries.

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) is essential to metabolize proteins and fats, so maintaining the required levels contributes to a good appetite.

Foods rich in vitamin B12 are of animal origin: red meat or chicken, eggs, fish and shellfish.

However, some adults have difficulty absorbing it and intake can be supplemented by food supplements, which also exist in a presentation for vegans.


Zinc bisglycinate from EssentialSeries

Zinc bisglycinate from EssentialSeries.

Zinc is important to stimulate appetite, as this micronutrient helps strengthen the immune system.

Zinc is found in foods such as cashews, chicken, pork chops, wheat bran, or pumpkin seeds. A zinc supplement or multivitamin containing zinc is recommended for adults.

Zinc deficiency can cause taste changes and affect the desire to eat.

Hydrochloric acid

EssentialSeries Betaine

EssentialSeries Betaine.

Hydrochloric acid has properties that help break down food in the stomach and facilitate the absorption of essential nutrients.

This acid is obtained, for example, by drinking lime juice first thing in the morning.

In the absence of sufficient gastric juices, digestion can be heavy and cause loss of appetite.

Omega 3

EssentialSeries Ultra Omega-3

EssentialSeries Ultra Omega-3

Omega 3 can improve digestion and reduce the feeling of bloating that causes loss of appetite.

The largest source of omega 3 corresponds to fish such as salmon, herring or mackerel. It is also obtained from vegetables such as chia and Hispanic sage; walnuts; flax, hemp or pumpkin seeds, although to a lesser extent.

Tips to stimulate appetite in adults

The most convenient way to stimulate the appetite is by taking vitamins and making lifestyle changes that favor the appetite for eating.

Here are some guidelines that can help in this regard:

  • Eat small meals: Instead of eating three large meals, try spreading the time between five small servings a day. When you have little appetite, it is not convenient to serve highly loaded preparations, as this can cause rejection and make digestion difficult.
  • Prepare colorful dishes: An eye-pleasing dish stimulates gastric juices and opens the appetite. Play to combine vegetables that provide nutrients while giving color to the food, making it more attractive. Also arrange the elements in an appetizing set; Use herbs that provide aroma and highlight flavors.
  • Plan meals: When the appetite fails it is advisable organize meals to have them ready and not skip any. One strategy is to prepare the weekly menu, ensuring that the ration corresponding to each moment of the day will be on hand. Try inventing recipes, cooking with other people, looking for fun in the act of making delicious preparations.
  • Do exercise: Exercising regularly or playing a sport is a energy expenditure that the body must recover and that is usually accompanied by an increase in appetite. It is a natural mechanism that affects the secretion of hormones that operate on the feeling of hunger.
  • Choose your favorite foods: When problems arise with the desire to eat, it is not a good time to introduce unappetizing foods. focus on enjoy your favorite dishes, avoiding abusing fast food and ultra-processed products. Instead, choose healthy and nutritious options prepared at home.

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