Betar Jerusalem fans pushed to the stands: behind the moments of fear

by time news

Miracle Teddy. This is the only way to call what happened at the entrance to the eastern stand and inside it last night (Sunday) in the Jerusalem derby. Crowds of excited fans were informed about two and a half hours before the opening whistle that all tickets for the Mizrahi stand for Betar Jerusalem fans had run out.

The Israel Police prepared for this heated derby and knew more or less how many fans were supposed to arrive at Teddy Stadium, in yellow and red. The hustle and bustle at the entrance to the eastern bleachers ended miraculously without casualties and casualties. Thousands waited outside for their entrance, with the green character barcode scanners operating lazily, and it took a long time for any fan to enter.

Women and children were crushed, fell, hit and waited over 40 minutes in line, when at one point the police realized there was no more room in the stands and simply closed it. At the density created, only the fact that the gates opened prevented a disaster. Had it not been done so, it would have ended in a terrible disaster with many casualties, including casualties.

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The opening prevented this disaster, in which thousands entered without a ticket and without checking a green sign. As a result, more than 10,000 people entered the eastern stand, with only about 7,500 seats and everyone jumping for 90 minutes. 130% content, at least.

There was a feeling among the fans that the stands were about to collapse, and right at the opening whistle, a responsible fan called the police and warned: “Offer a course here! If you do nothing – there will be a Meron 2 disaster here.” The policemen acted quickly and opened side stands to which a number of fans from the East moved. Next, the police need to be more properly prepared and understand how much is expected to arrive. Next time, not sure there will be a miracle that will save everyone.

An asthmatic fan who was at the heart of the hustle and bustle at the entrance, said: “The police closed gates even though our gate did not work. Nothing moved, and for some reason we became more and more crowded. People pushed. We were a second from falling to the floor and then we all know what would happen. “I breathed. We were pushed into the fences and the police are just looking.”

Betar Jerusalem published today a response to the events in which it was written: “Last night around 19:30, reports began to be received of high density at the entrances to the field, with an emphasis on the entrance to the eastern stand. After a quick check, it was discovered that despite the maximum preparation before the game, and despite the coordination made with all the parties involved in the management of the event, a load was created outside the gates of the eastern stand. Upon learning of the entrance condition at the stadium gates, the club management acted to produce optimal solutions in a short time in favor of relieving congestion and preventing congestion at the entrances.

“Along with the many conversations that took place last night before, during and after the game, this morning the club’s general manager, Moni Brosh, initiated an urgent meeting with Moriah police chief Kobi Yaakobi, who are responsible for Teddy’s security, stadium staff and all involved in conducting an in-depth investigation. The malfunction that led to a push in the entrances.

“We are committed to examining the gap caused last night in a serious and in-depth manner, so that together with all the factors involved we will create a more pleasant and comfortable football experience for you in the coming games. Who came, pushed and encouraged – you do not deserve a more pleasant and comfortable football experience. “

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