“Better situation in Italy than Gb? Soon to say”

by time news

Covid-19 infections, “it is still early” to say that in Italy things are better than in the United Kingdom. Although the daily cases recorded across the Channel have been around 30 thousand for days with a three-digit mortality rate and we have ten times less infections, with a number of deaths that today exceed 50 by 2 units, the virologist Fabrizio Pregliasco brakes enthusiasms.

“When there will be sudden changes in temperature – says the professor of the University of Milan at time.news Salute – when the work in the presence will take hold, when some time has passed since the opening of the schools, the fate of a ‘winter “, he warns. “Each nation – explains the expert – has its own curve with different timings, it is not a synchronous wave in the world. And then – he notes – the differences with respect to some modalities that are not easy to identify exactly have also affected. . We – the virologist speculates – may not even be so capable of identifying the asymptomatic “. And anyway, he says “we are still at high values, it’s not that they are getting lower”.

In short, if the infections and deaths are still contained, the reason is to be found in the restrictions. “I believe – says Pregliasco – that our precautionary choice with more closures meant that we were able to keep the spread of the virus a little lower. We had more effective mitigation actions. The British – he remembers – opened earlier , they were more daring. And it is clear that, even now, every human contact represents a probability of infection and therefore the more contacts there are “the more infections you can have.

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