DECRYPTION – A digital platform in development makes it possible to simulate the circulation of indoor air to make recommendations to minimize the risks of contamination in the hospital.
What is the relationship between the aerodynamics of a car, the behavior of an airplane engine and the sputtering of a patient in his hospital room? Fluid mechanics! Measuring air flows, the industry knows how to do it and whether we are interested in an aircraft engine or a hospital room, “the physics is the same. But we had never thought of applying our tools to the environment., says Emmanuel Vanoli, aerodynamics engineer at Dassault Systèmes*. But the Covid has been there and, like other manufacturers, the company has put itself at the service of hospitals overwhelmed by a disease of which the world did not know much at the time, except that it brought the world to a standstill.
The example of the Philharmonie de Paris
Once it was established that Sars-CoV-2 was carried by saliva droplets emitted by infected people, it was necessary to understand how these droplets circulate in the ambient air. A question of air flow, therefore… The tools developed by Dassault Systèmes were used in particular during…