Between 80 and 90% of the supply of medicines from the IMSS-Bienestar in CDMX

by times news cr

2024-04-04 00:30:58

At the beginning of April, the supply of medicines in the health service IMSS-Wellbeing It is found between 80 and 90% percent in hospitals and clinics of the Mexico City.

This was reported at a conference by the state coordinator of the IMSS Bienestar in CDMX, Jose Alexander Avalos Brachodetailing that:

“In the clinics, of which we have 278, at this moment we are at 92-93 percent supply. In the hospitals we are between 82 and 86 percent of supply and this is changing and depends greatly on the supply of the companies.”

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In conference, after a supervision tour of the Rubén Leñero General HospitalÁvalos Bracho highlighted the unit’s equipment with a tomograph for shock-trauma diagnoses.

“It was a priority and very important to take into account all general hospitals, which is where we mainly receive trauma or highly complex patients. It was also released with local resources in a pediatric hospital, which is the hospital of Legaria, a state-of-the-art tomograph. All children with craniocerebral trauma are cared for there, not only in the city but in all the surrounding states,” he mentioned.

On a supervision tour of the Rubén Leñero hospital, the Secretary of Health of Mexico City, Olivia Lopez Arellano He announced that one of the unit’s rooms will work together with the La Pastora Hospital to perform breast reconstructions for cancer patients, as part of the IMSS-Bienestar network.

In case you didn’t see it: Rubén Leñero hospital rooms are being remodeled; equipped with tomograph

“We are going to work on this network IMSS-Wellbeing to have a comprehensive breast cancer care service, from early identification in outpatient units to referral to breast reconstruction when required,” he indicated.


2024-04-04 00:30:58

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