between Christianity and “remigration”, the right and the extreme right are displayed at the evening of “Current Values”

by time news

The trap was open; he snapped up the Republican right, Tuesday March 22, at the Dôme de Paris, during a meeting entitled “great debate of values”co-organized by the radical right-wing weekly Current values and Les Eveilleurs, an association that emanates from La Manif pour tous. This meeting of some 4,000 spectators, overwhelmingly fans of Eric Zemmour, revolved around “remigration” (a far-right identity concept designating a “return” of non-European immigrants to their countries of origin , taken over by Zemmour), “French manners” and the Christian identity of France. Point of debate: Valérie Pécresse did not want to meet the Reconquest candidate again! after his televised match on TF1 on March 10. The headliners – the Minister Delegate for Citizenship, Marlène Schiappa, Eric Zemmour, Marion Maréchal or Jordan Bardella – marched one by one, for twenty minutes each, in front of a journalist from “VA”.

The organizers wanted a setting « rock » to exalt conservative values: arrival of interviewers in Chinese shadows like 007 agents, advertising clips from sponsors – the social network prized by the far right neoconservative, Gettr, and a pilgrimage agency –, sketch by humorist Gaspard Proust, adored for his style “very politically incorrect”. “It’s the most borderline of the place”savors Tugdual Denis, deputy editorial director of Current values. Rewarded with a comfortable stamp, the stand-upeur kept his promise, brushing this preppy public in the direction of the hair under the guise of irony.

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He pretended to discover a caricatured meeting in “Nuremberg Congress” and one “newspaper that talks about tourist flows from the South” – reference to African immigration. He mocked “one who loves cats” to scratch Marine Le Pen, the one who has not seen that “18 is more than 11 [dans les sondages] » for Marion Maréchal, and finally imagined “Rabbi Zemmour is going to dance”… He sums up his mission in a nutshell: “That in the end everyone goes home saying to themselves, basically, Zemmour is right. » Audience cheers.

right to asylum booed

At that moment, Marlène Schiappa arrives and hears chanting “Zemmour President”. ” It promises “, she breathes. On the stage, the government minister Castex is questioned about the Ukrainian refugees: she affirms that we “reconnects with the definition of asylum” who founded post-1945 Europe and “this empathy which does the honor of France”. An angel passes… Then the public boos the European sanctions, the right of asylum and the reception of sick Ukrainian children. Arrested on the purpose of executing « 100 % » deportation decisions, which Emmanuel Macron himself had decreed in his interview with willSchiappa can only admit: “We are far from it. » Several spectators claim that Zemmour is right.

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