between kindness and smiling irony-

by time news

Gianni Di Gregorio’s film, released close to the pandemic, a small pearl. With three indispensable and irreplaceable actors

The little things of life, he understood melancholies e everyday illusionsthe suspensions, the uncertainties, the doubts, the pauses and even a few more glasses to get the bill down with the exorbitant interests existential: in short, in this film that perhaps escaped you, there is all that inner narrative dimension that cinema had learned from literature and theater and which today it has converted into forever useless adrenaline.Far far

the film by Gianni Di Gregorio, released close to the pandemic for the kindness of the touch and thesmiling ironya small pearl: it does not take place on other worlds in space but strictly on this one and does not speak of Super heroes but of three friends who are no longer young who are cultivating the dream from live bigleaving Rome and heading towards more accommodating shoreskind and strangers, put the Azores.

Strong of theirs friendship e solidarietthe three irresistible boys
(a former professor who spends his days at the bar and tampons a client, his friend nothing with a minimum pension that helps the gardener brother, a finder), prepare for a final game which is also the redemption of a society in which they feel on the margins, like survivors.
But they have to overcome linguistic obstacles, learn Portuguese, bureaucratic and psychosomatic. L’affable humor of the director, discovered with the cecoviano Mid-August lunchcome back in this second round of a human comedy lived without microphones or speakers, but subdued and with one delicate irony which also provides some flash of altruism, speaking of immigration. The actors, indispensable e irreplaceableare the same director Di Gregorio, Giorgio Colangeli and Ennio Fantastichini (whom we see for the last time) in a comedy that gives us back without ever raising our voice everyday verity dellSubmerged Italynon influencer.
Far away (2019), by Gianni di Gregorio, Rai3, at 16.30

August 27, 2022 (change August 27, 2022 | 20:53)

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