Between the Kasbah and the Finance Committee: the nomenclature of emergency has changed Ben Caspit

by time news

On Wednesday, the IDF operated in Nablus. Accurate information from the Shin Bet on the location of wanted persons led special forces to raid the depths of the hostile Palestinian city, including undercover men who disguised themselves as sheikhs and buried their weapons in carpets and mosques. The event got complicated. Hundreds of Palestinian armed men poured into the place and a heavy battle developed in the area. The IDF, the Shin Bet, police raiders (amazing unit), the Air Force, Modi’in, the best of our sons worked there for a long day under heavy fire.

At the same time, the chairman of the Finance Committee convened MK Moshe Gafni An equally explosive yeshiva: approval of the round of Torah lawsuits by the most greedy family that modern Israel has known: the Netanyahu family. Fund two private dormitories for them (in one place), double the manpower (so that the lady has more options for screaming), double the “hair-makeup” or clothing budget, and the most explosive clause is to approve a separate travel and convention budget for the lady (so that she doesn’t have to shake the Prime Minister and his entourage to the ends of the globe following her).

The Prime Minister’s Office ordered the garden gnomes, i.e. the Likud MKs, to appear at the hearing and give the chairman of the committee Gafni a boost. They showed up in droves. The Israeli version of the coup shifts. The bureau itself showed up in full: the chief of staff, the executive director, the person responsible for the budgets and the speaker. They sat there around the clock, for long hours throughout the day, in an effort to approve the new piggy bank.

In a normal government, a battle day in Nablus is a time of emergency. The chief of staff sits on the phone in front of the office of the chief of staff and the office of the head of the Shin Bet, summarizing the situation from above, holding security consultations as needed. In the current demented government, the hour of emergency is the approval of the family’s whims. Because it’s true, the incident in Nablus (11 dead Palestinians and dozens injured) can ignite the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, but the incident in the Finance Committee could ignite the entire universe. Imagine that the budget for the family was not approved.

If this reminds you of the last time, when the close associate MK Miki Zohar was sent to the finance committee to extort a million shekels of tax refunds for that family, it is better to reset the memory in the depths of consciousness. At the current rate, soon the government will also control our collective memory. And yet, even then We were in a state of emergency. The corona virus was raging, dozens of Israelis were dying every day, unemployment was high, the deficit was swelling, people didn’t know if they would have anything to put on the Shabbat table next week. This was the perfect timing for the approval of the tax refunds (for benefits given to the daycare center in Caesarea) for the benefit of the Netanyahu family .

Two days before the debate on family benefits, the finance committee discussed the possible consequences of the legal coup on the economy. Many experts and economists appeared before her, most of them warned and presented crazy scenarios about the collapse of high-tech, the disintegration of the shekel, tremendous damage to the Israeli brand, money laundering and what not.

According to one of these economists, Davey Distnik, barely one MK from the Likud sat there to hear them. On Wednesday there were already 13 MKs who came to support the hedonism of the Netanyahu family. MK Merav Cohen tweeted that morning about the magnitude of the farts, how in one moment she went from discussing the shameful situation of the elderly Holocaust survivors (she chairs a special committee on them) to discussing the unreasonable increase in budgets for the Netanyahu family.

The bottom line: the Finance Committee heard all the warnings, then Chairman Gafni announced that he was holding a vote: Who is in favor of the decision that the regime revolution will have no consequences for the economy? Who is against? It was agreed (hammer blow). The legal reform will have no effect on the economy. It seems Like a section from Givat Halfon, the problem is that it is at our expense. While Gafni was speaking, the dollar continued to soar.

That evening it became clear that Netanyahu wants to appoint his close associate and CEO of his office Yossi Sheli to the position of chief statistician. Perhaps in this way it will be possible to explain to Dollar, so that he will understand, that it is better for him to align himself with the whims of the coalition.

In conclusion, the finance committee decided that the reform would not harm the economy and approved the insane budgets for Netanyahu’s dormitories. At the same time, the price of our preschools continued to rise, which reminded many of the pompous election promise “free education from the age of zero to 3”. Look for this section in the new state budget. If you find it, you will update. Day care for ordinary Israelis, servants and workers, will continue to become more expensive. Along with her mortgage (which Netanyahu promised to “freeze”), while they will increase funding for the Netanyahu family dormitory.

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