Between the Macron camp and the oppositions, the lying poker game continues

by time news

Elisabeth Borne hangs on. Insensitive to the rumor of his imminent ousting, pretending to ignore criticism of his profile as a robot woman or too “technician”, the Prime Minister makes her way, trying to show that she holds the road in times of parliamentary storm. Saturday June 25, almost a week after the thunderclap caused by legislative elections which only offered a relative majority to the presidential camp, the tenant of Matignon must meet with the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron , to inform him of the state of progress of the conversations held with the leaders of the opposition groups in the National Assembly. The challenge: to identify the “points of convergence” that could exist with MPs from all sides to build, if not a coalition, at least agreements on a case-by-case basis on texts deemed fundamental for the government.

From Mathilde Panot, for La France insoumise (LFI), to Marine Le Pen, for the National Rally (RN), via Boris Vallaud (Socialist Party, PS), Jean-Paul Mattei (MoDem) and Olivier Marleix (Les Républicains , LR), the elected Calvados will have surveyed all the forces that make up the rainbow of the Palais-Bourbon. One way to show that despite the consultations carried out by Emmanuel Macron at the start of the week with party leaders, she is indeed the leader of the majority. And that she is also a ” Politics “.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Emmanuel Macron blames the opposition for breaking the political deadlock

“I don’t know what that means technically (…). Locked behind [son] desk ? It’s the complete opposite of what I am.” she swept during an interview on LCI, Thursday, describing herself “to action”. “The project that we are going to implement will take into account what is expressed in the National Assembly, necessarily while keeping the values ​​that defined the project led by Emmanuel Macron. We will have to listen to each other’s proposals to build a majority.she warned.

Macron promises “compromises”

But is the majority ready for real compromises? The solemn address of Emmanuel Macron, Wednesday, before his departure for a European summit in Brussels, calling “every politician” to say “how far he is willing to go”cooled the oppositions, including the most « constructive ». “Will Emmanuel Macron be the architect of a refounded democracy, finally deliberative, where compromises are made, or will he remain this president braced on his power, constantly tempting poaching and the submission of other political groups? », questioned the ex-ecologist presidential candidate, Yannick Jadot, without closing the door to a participation of the Greens in a coalition government, on France Inter, Friday morning.

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