between the two, his heart swings… – Liberation

by time news

In all its states (6/6)

Located in the middle of the Bidasoa, a border river between Spain and France in the Basque Country, the small island is co-managed by the two countries.

When we talk about joint custody, we do not imagine talking about a territory. And yet, Conference Island (formerly “Island of Pheasants”) is Spanish land for six months, and French for the other six months.

Planted in the middle of the Bidassoa in the Basque Country, the Conference Island (a tiny island of greenery, 200 meters long by 40 wide) is located right on the Franco-Spanish border. His case is unique in the world. To make a fair share, it was decided to return the Spanish field from February 1 to July 31, and French from August 1 to January 31.

Despite its tiny size, since the Middle Ages, the island has been a strategic location for local trade between Spain and France. Throughout history, it has welcomed kings such as Louis XI and Henri IV of Castile (who met there in 1463), François I (in 1526, then a prisoner of Charles V following the battle of Pavia, he was exchanged there for his two eldest sons, who were released in the same place four years later for a ransom of nearly 2 million gold crowns) or even Philippe IV and Louis XIII (who exchanged their sisters there for marry them).

Still in the theme of marriage, in 1659, negotiations took place on this small piece of land concerning Louis XIV and Marie-Thérèse of Austria (daughter of the King of Spain). This Franco-Spanish marriage was to sign peace between the two countries, which had been at war since 1635. The Treaty of the Pyrenees was therefore negotiated and signed on the island, which gained its name “Conference Island” in passing. This treaty will also allow the two countries to delimit the borders between their two states. Everything seemed to be settled, when a last question arose: And this island, to whom should I give it?

You have to wait until 1856 for the problem to be fixed. With the signing of the Treaty of Bayonne, the Conference Island was granted the exceptional status of condominium (“sovereignty” in Latin). This means that the territory is co-ruled by two nations, in this case France and Spain. Between February 1 and July 31, she is Spanish. And between August 1 and January 31, she is French! To avoid administrative problems, a final update was carried out in 1901 to fix the responsibilities of each country. The island is… closed to the public, and if an offense is committed, the date of the misdemeanor or the crime will determine the administration to seize. Guardia Civil or National Gendarmerie… An idea for the screenwriters of Broen (the Bridge)?

A story to be found in Mont-Blanc is not in France by Olivier Marchon, Points, 224p., 6.90 euros

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