Beware of the dangers of social networks on vacation!

by time news

2023-08-16 09:15:41

Summer is a time of free time and that implies a greater risk for adolescents and young people who must avoid dangers such as addiction or stress derived from social networks.

Summer is usually a time of relaxation, however for many teenagers and young people this does not happen due to Excessive use of social networks during the holidays.

A recent study by the advertising association IAB Spain states that just over 28 million Spaniards between the ages of 16 and 70 regularly browse social networks.

Also, according to mental health centers MentaliaSaludIn the case of young people and adolescents, 98.5% are registered in some social application in Spain with the advantages and potential risks that this entails.

They are, therefore, those most likely to suffer from the multiple disorders associated with the excessive use of these applicationsas well as the dangers of social networks.

Experts recall the importance of socializing face to face. EFE/Biel Aliño

The two main dangers of social networks

The anxiety and stress are the most common disorders that we found associated with the excessive use of social networks. They are mainly caused by always being aware of mobile notifications, likes that we receive, from the messages that they send us…

However, in addition to these problems, we find other dangers of social networks that experts warn about.

One of the most relevant problems associated with use of social networks is that of addiction.

Although these applications seem harmless, MentaliaSalud professionals warn that social networks have a very high rate of addiction among its users. This usually happens, especially among the youngest.

They warn that this problem of social networks is quite serious, because can cause stress and anxiety by the need to be constantly connected.

“People with addiction to social networks have the need to always show a good appearance, a friendly face, an ideal image. And for that there is no rest period ”, explains José Manuel Requena Garmendia, director of the Mentalia Usurbil center.

Another of the main problems associated with the excessive use of social networks is the isolation. This can cause a feeling of loneliness that is extend over time and cause other disorders, such as anxiety or depression.

Experts recall the importance of socialize face to face with our friends and acquaintances. Often due to continuous interaction through a screen, we forget how to relate when we have someone in front of us.

The dangers of social networks are diverse. EFE/Alejandro Garcia

Main recommendations

In addition to dealing with the main dangers of social networks, MentaliaSalud professionals offer a series of tips to overcome and solve them.

First of all, the experts recommend treating our family and friends in person whenever possible and not through a screen.

Requena remembers that the Social networks have sometimes been very beneficial, as in the pandemic, to talk to our loved ones, but we must learn to put them to good use.

In fact, the specialist makes a call: “That the children occupy the squares and the streets to play, that the adolescents stay to tell their experiences face to face, that they live relationships with people without having to show themselves as what they are not through a social network. Something to which the summer time invites even more”.

Finally, professionals remember The importance of seeing a mental health professional in case of observing that any of the dangers of social networks affects us in our daily lives.

they have the tools needed to help us deal with them and limit the use of these social applications.

#Beware #dangers #social #networks #vacation

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