Beware these specifications.. if you find them in a smart phone, you will buy it

by time news

With the continuous development of the smart phone industry; Certain specifications appear with new phones that are completely useless, as including them in your smartphone; It will not help much, and losing it will not affect your phone, and it is better not to focus on it at all when buying a new phone.

According to the Gizchina website, unimportant specifications should be ignored in the case of buying a new smartphone, and you should focus on more important specifications, and if you find that such specifications are useless that are focused on by the seller or company, the purchase decision should be ignored immediately, and the purchase Alternative phone, here are a number of specifications that are useless in any smartphone:

It should be noted that if the seller or the company focuses on these specifications as they are a luxury specification, in this case, they will not affect the situation of the phone much.

1. Reverse charging

Many users do not even know how reverse charging works, and reverse charging means that if your smartphone battery is empty, and you have a compatible smartwatch or smart bracelet, you can use your smartphone to charge these devices if it supports reverse charging, however, a lot of People do not like this because they think that it can weaken the capacity of the smartphone battery.

2. Curved screen

The “curved screen” design is another feature of useless smartphones as this feature “does no use but increase the cost of the phone”, although it is undeniable that when using a smartphone with a large screen of about 6.5 inches and above, the curved screen Making it easy to handle, the curved screens also allow users to view notifications without losing focus on what’s on the screen.

However, is all this necessary? Is it worth spending a lot of extra money? Whereas, if the curved screen of your phone is damaged, you will need to pay very large sums of money to repair it. For example, the Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra costs 460 dollars to repair the curved screen, which is equivalent to 7 thousand and 800 Egyptian pounds, and this is more than 100 dollars more than the cost of repairing a regular flat screen For flagship Galaxy phones.

3. Resource Library

Another feature that is considered unhelpful for smartphones is the iPhone library, and with iOS 14, Apple introduced a new way for users to categorize iPhone apps and put them together to locate the library on the iPhone, where you will see all the apps on your smartphone grouped into several folders. This library is provided to make it easy to find your favorite or most used apps quickly. However, users do not have it and some users ignore its existence.

4. RAM expansion technology

Memory expansion technology is a completely new technology that aims to add more RAM to a smartphone, as some of the internal storage resources are used and converted to RAM, and with this technology, a smartphone with 8GB of RAM can get up to 11 GB of RAM. This technology is intended for Android users, as some say it does not work efficiently, others say it is a simple useless feature.

5. Periscope-like endoscopic camera

Periscope camera gives users a greater shooting distance, however, not many people care about this feature, as its absence makes no difference and its presence means more unimportant specs of the smartphone and more money to be spent.

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