Bianchi to Suor Orsola, 5.0 teachers for the Smart School

by time news

NoonJuly 7, 2022 – 3:20 pm

The new master’s degree course in Digital Humanities is presented with the Minister of Education

from Mark Santoro

“If schools and museums are becoming more and more devoted to digital innovation, new professionals who are specifically prepared for this smart revolution are urgently needed”. Like this Lucio d’Alessandrorector of the Suor Orsola Benincasa University of Naples, presents the latest academic ‘creature’ of the Neapolitan University: the new LM-43 master’s degree course in “Digital humanities for literary subjects and cultural heritage”.

Thirty years after being the first Italian university to launch a degree course specifically dedicated to the conservation and enhancement of cultural heritage, Suor Orsola, the oldest free Italian university, is launching a new challenge of highly innovative higher education calibrated to future needs of the labor market as it had already done in 2016, just to cite an example, with the first degree course in Italy dedicated to the green economy.

The presentation of the new master’s degree course in “Digital humanities for literary subjects and cultural heritage” will take place on Friday 8 July at 12 in the Sala degli Angeli of the Suor Orsola Benincasa University (live streaming on in the presence of the Minister of Education Patrizio Bianchi. A presentation that will be preceded by a reflection dedicated to the theme “The digital humanist for the smart school and for the production system” in which, with the coordination of Antonio Politotogether with the minister, the rector of Alessandro, the director of the Department of Humanities of Sister Orsola Paola Villani e Alberto Mellonichief scientific advisor to the European Commission.

Training 5.0 teachers and new cultural heritage professionals: all the news of the master’s degree course in Digital Humanities reserved for 120 students. “Divided into two distinct curricula (Cultural heritage and Literary subjects), the academic path of the new master’s degree course in Digital Humanities is aimed at training graduates in humanities studied and enhanced with the help of ICT- Information and Communication Technologies and will allow the acquisition of highly innovative knowledge and skills: from data mining to 3D renderings, up to Historical GIS techniques, just to name a few “. Thus Paola Villani, director of the Department of Humanities of Suor Orsola (which is based in the complex of Santa Caterina da Siena in the heart of the historic center of Naples) summarizes the educational objectives and the numerous employment opportunities of the new course. “The course – underlines Villani – is aimed in particular at the training of operators of cultural heritage, book heritage, experts in the text sciences, teachers of literary subjects or art history, researchers, but also consultants, freelancers and professionals for companies. In particular, the course of Literary subjects will give ample space to research and training methods and tools for teachers 5.0, teachers and digital animators required in the so-called smart school “.

Italian teaching with new media, computational linguistics, narratology, digital enhancement of museum heritage, storytelling for cultural heritage: the list of some of the new courses (already present on the website together with the enrollment form) tells about the educational inclination of the new degree course which will be open to only 120 students. A programmatic number that guarantees the true ‘trademark’ of the Suor Orsola Benincasa University: the ‘care’ of the individual student thanks to a teacher / pupil ratio of 1 to 25 (practically like at school) that explains the ‘numbers’ ( source AlmaLaurea 2022) which see the Neapolitan University among the first in Italy for percentage of graduates in progress (+ 15.5% compared to the national average) and degree effectiveness (+ 15.2% compared to the national average).

“For the Suor Orsola Benincasa University, this new course – highlights d’Alessandro – represents the arrival of over fifteen years of research and innovative teaching on all the themes that intersect the human sciences and new technologies, conducted in the Interdepartmental Center of research “New Science” and innovated by our best young people in the PhD in Humanities and Technologies, which, now in its tenth cycle, boasts 100% highly qualified placement, in Italy and abroad “. As the Rector explains, “it is no longer the time for humanistic information technology, where the novelty was the application of digital technologies to the human sciences, with an often functional, operational, ancillary declination, but it is the time, no longer deferrable, of need to train a solid and multifaceted figure of new humanist capable of questioning what the digital age entails, also for the training of the new generations “.

July 7, 2022 | 15:20

© Time.News

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