Bibi and Sarah will not be returning to Balfour soon and this is the reason

by time news

The renovations in the official residence in Balfour are expected to be completed in only about two years, according to documents revealed this evening | Despite the appeal of the Prime Minister’s Office, the contractors made it clear that the schedule cannot be shortened | Netanyahu and his family will continue to live in the private house on Gaza Street even after the government is sworn in

The renovation of the official Prime Minister’s residence on Balfour Street in Jerusalem is expected to be completed in October 2024, that is, in only about two years. This is according to documents revealed this evening by the journalist Itamar Eichner on the Ynet website.

According to the report, the cost of the renovations at the residence in Balfour is estimated at NIS 50 million and they are being carried out by the Ministry of Defense. The renovations include a significant component of security and protection, but also extensive infrastructure replacement. According to a previous estimate, the renovations were supposed to be completed in a year and a half. Apparently, the Netanyahu family will live in their private house on Gaza Street in the capital for the time being, even when Benjamin Netanyahu serves as Prime Minister.

The document, which was revealed as mentioned on the Ynet website, includes an update on the state of the renovations in Balfour under the title: “Protection, safety and renovation works project in the official residence of the Prime Minister – Administration of special duties.” The document states that the project is in the planning and dismantling phase. “The demolitions include full engineering exposure of the building, with the exception of the flooring in the hospitality area on the ground floor and elements for conservation, are in an advanced stage and are expected to be completed within about two weeks,” the document states.

The renovations, after a tender, are expected to begin only in April 2023, it was written, and the period of the works is estimated at about 18 months. It also turns out that there is a steering committee in the Prime Minister’s office that accompanies the renovation project and it meets every month and a half.

In recent months, even before the elections, the CEO of the Prime Minister’s Office, Naama Shultz, asked to speed up the works so that the house would be ready sooner. However, the contractors announced that this is not possible and that the entire house is completely dismantled, it is impossible to enter it and it is unfit for habitation. According to the latest document, after the dismantling, the detailed planning is expected to be completed by the end of the year and the works will begin in about six months.

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