Bible Search: Psalm 34-5 God hates evildoers

by time news

We will not do evil deeds, we will not cause evil, and we will live forever in the constant worship of God with a straight mind.

Selvaraj Soosaimanikam – Vatican

In our Bible search last week, ‘Let us turn away from evil and do good!’ We meditated on verses 12 to 14 of Psalm 34 on the topic. In this week’s Bible search we will meditate on verses 15 to 17 that follow. Now let’s read those words. The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous; His ears hear their pleas. The face of the Lord is against evildoers; He will make their memory disappear from the world. When the righteous plead, the Lord hears; He frees them from all evil (Verses 15-17).

In these verses that we see, King Saul, who wants to destroy himself with evil intentions, is seen as evil, and King David, who lives completely trusting in God alone, is a righteous and righteous person. Even though God gave Saul the great responsibility of leading the people of Israel, he was ungrateful and did evil. Saul trusts in weapons and booty as much as God himself. Kanganam is determined to destroy David anyway. Saul does not accept David, who was blessed by God and killed Goliath in his name, and is jealous of him and wants to bring him down. Thus he commits evil against God and incurs His hatred. That is why, ‘The face of the Lord is against evildoers; He will make their memory disappear from the world.’ David exemplifies that. Further, The proud will not stand before you; You hate all evildoers. You will destroy the liars; You hate the murderous and the deceitful. I will go to your house by your grace; I will bow to you with devotion towards your holiness; Lord, for I have many enemies, lead me in the path of your righteousness; Show me your righteous way (Tibha 5:5-8) that The Lord tests the righteous and the wicked; He hates those who indulge in violence (Tibha 11:5) that The Lord loves those who hate evil. He preserves the lives of His devoted servants; He delivers them from the hand of Bollar (Tibah 97:10) King David compares himself and Saul, how much Saul is full of evils and sows enmity, and in some other scriptures, King David mentions. Also, apart from the recitations, Do not think in your heart to do evil to one against another; Do not like lying; For I hate all these things,” says the Lord (Zechariah 8:17) And Zechariah, The good hate lies; Pollaro behaves shyly and contemptuously (Neh 13:5) The book of Proverbs also explains.

A woodcutter was going into a dense forest to cut firewood. Then I heard the roar of a lion from somewhere in the forest. Immediately he started running in fear. Then he heard a voice saying, “Man, don’t be afraid! Come here! I won’t do anything to you.” He reluctantly went towards the direction from which the voice came. There was a lion in a cage. Some hunters had made a cage to catch the lion alive and kept a goat inside. The desperate lion got trapped in the cage. When the woodcutter came near, the lion said, “Man, you free me from this cage… I will do you many favors.” To that the woodcutter said, “You are the one who kills and eats people. How can I free you?” “We have the nature to kill people. I will beat you to death for saving life. Am I so ungrateful? Open the door of the cage without fear. “I will not do anything to you,” said the lion. Believing its words to be true, the woodcutter opened the door of the cage. That’s it! The ungrateful lion was ready to pounce on the man. When he saw this, he said, “Lion, is what you are doing fair to you? I believed in your words and freed you from the cage… Is this how you thank me?” “I will tell a thousand lies to save my life. Can you believe all that? Humans are rational. Don’t you know what is good and what is bad with that knowledge? How can I be responsible for your foolishness?” said the lion. God will punish you for the deed. The woodcutter said he will surely save my life. Then a fox came that way. “Let’s ask for justice,” said the woodcutter, and told the story to the fox. “Our business is to kill and eat everyone.” Even though this man knew better, he released me from the cage. This man must suffer the consequences of this foolish act. What are you talking about fox…” asked the lion.

The fox, who heard everything, understood the lion’s evil intention and its ungrateful act. So the fox managed to save the helpful woodcutter and lock the lion back in the cage. So act like you don’t understand anything. “If you tell me like this I don’t understand anything. Tell me again from the beginning,” said the fox. Immediately the lion began to speak. “I reached into that cage…” “Into which cage?” said the fox. the lion “How did you get there?” asked the fox. The lion went into the cage to let go. The fox thought that this was the time and suddenly pulled the door of the cage and closed it. “Fox! What nonsense is this! You have put me in a cage again claiming to be fair!” shouted the lion. “You stay in the cage without speaking. If the case is in your favour, you will beat this man first. Then you will beat me to death. Those who have done evil must suffer evil. You yourselves are now trapped in the hand. You can no longer escape.” They took

Most humans act like the lion in the above story. In particular, we see that acts that lead to evil, such as betrayal, hypocrisy, dishonesty, doing evil, persecuting the righteous, rioting, killing innocent people, and making unjust judgments, are buried in the heart of King Saul. In this story, we see that the jackal saved the righteous woodcutter from the lion’s plot. No matter how many tribulations a righteous person may face, the Lord will save them in the end. Because of this, When the righteous plead, the Lord hears; He frees them from all evil. David said. If we look at the history of the world, we cannot say that all the wicked lived but fell. It is recorded in the pages of history how Hitler who killed Jews in heaps, Mussolini who supported all his evil deeds, Idiyameen who massacred his own countrymen as a story of a fence grazing crops, Nathuram Godse who shot Mahatma Gandhi, the pillar of non-violence, perished in the pages of history. Therefore, we will not do evil deeds, will not cause evil, and will live eternally in the constant worship of God with a straight mind. Let us pray to Lord Jesus for the blessings.

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