Bible Search: Psalm 36-3 ‘The Lord is everlasting light!’

by time news

Since we receive light from God, who is light, let us shine that light through good deeds to others.

Verse 36-3

Selvaraj Soosaimanikam – Vatican

In our Bible search last week, ‘The Stream of the Lord’s Bliss!’ We meditated on verses 05 to 08 in the 36th Thiruppadal titled. This week we will meditate on the following verses from 09 to 12 and bring this hymn to completion. Now let’s read those words in the divine light. For with you is the fountain of life; By your light we all get light. May you continue to give your grace to those who know you and your justice to the righteous! Do not let the foot of the trespassers crush me! Don’t let Bollar’s hand catch me! The evildoers lie down there, they are crushed; They cannot get up. (verses 9-12)

There was an ashram near the forest on the outskirts of the town. There was only one Guru staying in that ashram, which was far away from the inhabited area. A large number of people used to come and go during the day to meet the Guru. He also sends the people who come to him with necessary instructions. One day a former disciple came to see the Guru. All that day he remained near the Guru and listened to his teachings. As a result, both of them did not seem to have passed the time. It was late evening and it was getting dark. The disciple was ready to leave there.. The Guru stopped him and said, “It is night time. You stay here and leave tomorrow morning.’ But the disciple refused and said, “No Master! I have an important job to do. So I must leave here tonight.” Not wanting to stop him further, the Guru replied, “Good, come safely.” Reaching the door of the ashram, the disciple hesitated. It was dark outside. Apart from the light of the Ashram, there was no light anywhere else. Then the Guru noticed that the disciple was stumbling, went inside and brought a lamp, gave it to the disciple’s hand and said, “Leave.” Proud to see the Guru who had correctly predicted his mood, the disciple thanked him and took leave of him.

When he had gone a short distance, he shouted, “Stop!” said the Guru. When the disciple stopped, the Guru came to him, blew out the lamp in his hand and said, “Go away now.” The disciple was stunned and looked at the Guru. Understanding the question in his eyes, the Guru said to him, “The light of the night will never help you in the long run. Your light is within you. Unless it burns, this lamp is of no use,” he explained. That is, when you realize the light of God within you, you need no external light. If you need a lamp in your hand, it means that you do not know the God that is frozen in you. The whole life will be the same darkness, the same path. But you can continue your journey only with the help of God in you.” He said. The disciple now started to walk from there with determination. Those who take God as their companion do not always expect any lamp. Those who progress with the help of the light of God in their heart will have more experience than those who progress with the lamp. God is the eternal light within everyone. We must not forget that the soul in which the Lord is frozen is our lamp and it is that which will give us light and guide us till the end.

In these divine words that we meditate on, ‘By your light we all get light’ David’s words are a treat for our thinking. In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth “Let there be light!” How important light becomes from saying that. We know that. It makes us realize that the Lord walks with us in our lives as the light that dispels the darkness. “You are the little joy that dispels the darkness of my life, like countless stars shining on the blanket of darkness. One day I will live like the silver moon that sheds light.” Says a poet. The Lord always shines in the lives of those who do good deeds every day. It is because of this that David turned to God.By your light we all get light’ says that Further, “The Lord is my light; He is my salvation; Who should I fear? Lord is the refuge of my soul; Whom should I be afraid of?” (Tibha 27:1) that “Light your feet for my feet! That is the light for my path!” (Tiba 119:105) and some other scriptures. Our Lord Jesus, “I am the light of the world; He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness; He has the light of life.” (John 8:12) You are a light to the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp and puts it inside a tree; Instead the wiper is on the lamppost itself. Only then will it give light to everyone in the house. Thus, let your light shine before men! Then they will see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father. (Mat 5:14-16) He calls us to live as people of light in the way of David. Although countless circumstances were created for King David to be pushed into the grip of darkness by his enemies, he did not turn away from the companionship of God, who is the eternal light. He overcame all dark situations.

Selvaraj, a 73-year-old economics graduate from Karaikudi, has been helping poor children’s education for the past 47 years. Since last year 2006, his health has been seriously affected, he is unable to do any work and has been helping children with the money he receives from begging. Selvaraj, who suffers from polio and is unable to walk, is currently helping to educate 26 poor children living in the Karunanidhi Nagar area where he lives. Selvaraj, who saw that children were deprived of education due to family circumstances, realized the need for education as an economics graduate and is doing this good work. He has been doing various things for education since 1968, and he gets on and off buses daily to beg. He finds it difficult to get into the bus and asks for alms only after explaining to the passengers what he is begging for. As a result, he earns up to four hundred rupees a day due to the desperate help of some passengers, and spends the rest of the money to buy stationery and books for underprivileged children.

Let’s keep in mind that shining a light in a dark person’s life does not mean doing big things, but rather helping in small ways. May we also shine as guiding lights in the lives of suffering human beings. Since we receive light from God, who is light, let us shine that light through good deeds to others. Let us pray to the Lord for the blessings on this day.

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