Biblical Search: Is Psalm 37-9 the Good Way? Is it the evil way?

by time news

Let us think whether I am a base man who walks the path of evil or an upright man who walks the path of goodness.

Thiruppadal 37-9

Selvaraj Soosaimanikam – Vatican

In last week’s Bible search, ‘Let’s turn away from evil and do good!’ We meditated on verses 27 to 29 of the 37th hymn entitled This week we will meditate on verses 30 to 33 that follow. Now, let’s read those words in the divine light. The mouth of the upright declares wisdom; They will expound on the law. God’s law is in their hearts; Their feet do not slide. The wicked look upon the righteous; He seeks to kill them. But the Lord will not deliver the righteous into their hand; He will not convict them during the trial (Verse 30-33).

The first type of people

In these four verses that we have considered, we see that King David continues to highlight the nature of good and evil. In both verses 31 and 32, King David lists the four virtues of the righteous: wise speech, righteousness, following the law, and their feet that do not slip. In general, there are two types of people, the inferior and the superior. Inferior people always talk very demeaningly about others. They plan and act to cause harm to them. Waiting to tarnish their reputation. Inhumane means, the ewes act in a merciless manner. We can neither find nor expect a grateful attitude in them. They have a lot of chattering, rolling and engaging in unjust atrocities. More specifically, such are the people who write slanderers and talk about the person concerned when they are not present. That is why, The wicked look upon the righteous; He seeks to kill them In the 33rd verse, King David scolds a little harshly. Further, Many bulls surround me; The fat oxen of Bashan goaded me. They open their mouths wide to swallow me up; They run like a roaring lion in search of prey (Deuteronomy 22:12-13) Lord! deliver me from the fire; Protect me from the perpetrators of violence. They plan evil in their minds; They stir up disputes every day. They sharpen their tongues like serpents; In their lips is the venom of a viper! (Tiba 140: 1-3) and we see him complaining to God about the atrocities of his enemies. Further, “Come, let us plot against Jeremiah. The law is not taken from the gurus, the advice from the sages, and the divine from the prophets. So, let’s blame him. Don’t listen to him.” Lord, look after me; Listen to my enemies (Jer 18:18-19), we see the prophet Jeremiah also appealing to God about the evil intentions of his enemies. Thus, wars, violence, armed conflicts, acts of extremism and terrorism are spreading in today’s world as well. We see many bullies keeping countries in the grip of crisis by exaggerating many problems that should be solved through dialogue and peace. Russia is a great example of this.

Second class people

The second type of people are high-minded and self-sacrificing. They have wisdom, lofty thinking, and a desire to improve anything. They will follow the ways of peace instead of the ways of violence. In particular, others have welfare and welfare of society as their lifeblood and ideal. Preferably likes to work together with everyone. High noble leadership is found in them. It is these types of people that King David describes as righteous and righteous. Because of this, “The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous; his ears are open to their supplication” (Deuteronomy 34:15) says David. Further, He who practices righteousness and compassion will live long and prosper (Neh 21:21) says the book of Proverbs.

Many students were studying under one teacher. All of them were well educated. But, only one student among them wanted to show himself as more intelligent than others. So, he started scorning everyone. He does not respect even his senior students. Among the crowd, he asked the senior students tough questions, laughed at them as they woke up with no answers, and started making fun of them until they cried in shame. This has reached the ears of the author. Realizing that this arrogance would destroy Ammanava, the teacher wanted to make him realize his mistake and change him. Thinking that direct advice would blind him and even contradict him in his arrogance, he chose another way. He called him the next day. “Son! Early this morning, a friend of mine in the neighboring village died. He was a philosopher. He wrote more than two hundred books. He received the government award for the best scholar ten times. He even has students abroad. So you go and tell the carpenter in the next street about the details. “Ask me to make a quality coffin. He needs to be buried this afternoon. Only you can do it well.” The last words he spoke to him uplifted him greatly. So, eager, he said, “I will finish it right away sir” and hurried to the carpenter’s house.

Ammanavan went to the carpenter’s house and told him the news and said that he wanted a quality coffin by this afternoon. Then he asked for details about the deceased. As the teacher said, he is a philosopher, author of more than 200 books, ten times recipient of the government award for the best scholar, and he has students even in foreign countries. ! Are you educated?” said. This question provoked him. Immediately he looked at the carpenter and said, “You are a fool if you say that you do not understand so much about him.” The carpenter said, “You idiot! No matter what he has studied, no matter what he has bought, he is a friend to me. What I need is his height and width. All you study is as long as you have breath in your body. If you want a box, please go and measure it.” Somewhere a blow fell on him, “Is human knowledge so much? Is this why I humiliated so many people?” As he began to think, Koonig stood in front of the Asian. “What if the coffin hit me,” the teacher asked him smiling, “I hit you sir… for the weight of my head,” said Ammanavan. Then the teacher said, “My dear! No matter what you read, this is a dying body. Real wisdom is to realize this and walk with humility. “This is it, ‘Repentance comes before, contempt comes after; If there is self-control, there is also wisdom.’ (Neh 11:2) says the book of Proverbs.

Let us think whether I am a base man who walks the path of evil or an upright man who walks the path of goodness. On this day, let us pray to God to travel in a good way.

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