Bicycle on a map of Europe: Couple paints with GPS tracking and breaks records

by time news

7237 Kilometer
Couple draws giant bicycle on the map of Europe with GPS tracking – and breaks records

The journey of 7237 kilometers through seven European countries resulted in this bike

© bicycleswillsavetheworld / Instagram

A couple and their dog have been cycling through Europe. The three of them covered a remarkable distance: 7237 kilometers. And they drew their way using GPS tracking. The result was – appropriately enough – a huge bicycle.

The steering wheel is in Normandy and near Paris. The rear tire includes Saarbrücken, but also parts of Bavaria, that’s how big it is. This simple, somewhat scrawly, but pretty bike was drawn using GPS tracking. And there is a remarkable distance behind it: 7237 kilometers through seven European countries.

Arianna Casiraghi and Daniel Rayneau-Kirkhope covered it together with their dog Zola. The two people in the trio are physicists with a doctorate, who have meanwhile pulled themselves out of science onto their bikes. The motivation for their action goes beyond the pure joy of cycling: the two want to draw attention to the environmental aspect of cycling.

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“We don’t necessarily have to use a car to get through our everyday lives,” the two write on their joint website. Cars can be useful and for some of us they are essential, but statistics would show that half of all car journeys in the EU are less than five kilometers and many of these distances can be covered by bike or on foot. And the climate and environment are happy about that. A commuter who travels five kilometers with the Rad instead of traveling by car reduces its annual CO2 emissions by 300 kilos (the stern reported).

Breaking several records at the same time on a bicycle

The joy of cycling is one thing, the environmental aspect is another. And then there are the records on this tour. Arianna Casiraghi and Daniel Rayneau-Kirkhope proudly announce on Instagram that they have cracked three with their tour. Den for the largest GPS drawing made of a trip, as well as the largest GPS drawing ever made of a bicycle. “And we definitely drew the biggest bike ever.”

Now it’s time to rest before going on the next bike tour, the couple says. And then, without drawing, just pedal in whichever direction you want.

Sources: Instagram, bicycleswillsavetheworld


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