Biden: “A new pandemic in the future. Strengthen the global health system “

by time news

On the sidelines of the statements concerning the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan, President Joe Biden he dropped the ‘bomb’, passing almost unnoticed: “In the world there will be another pandemic. The global health system must be strengthened ”.

Does Biden have the glass ball where he reads the future? The answer is no. But the president of the United States doesn’t say things randomly. Probably the US secret services are evaluating the risks of a possible future bacteriological war and have informed him. And they are running for cover. A possible confirmation comes from the indiscretions that come out of the intelligence buildings. The intelligence and counter-espionage agencies, in fact, claim that “to date we do not know exactly where, when and how Covid 19 was initially transmitted and there is no certainty about its origin”.

Shared theories argue that the virus may have started in several ways: human contact with infected animals and the laboratory accident. So far nothing new. At least that’s what National Intelligence director Avril Haines told the US Senate on Tuesday. The question also agrees Cia who added: “The Chinese leadership has not been fully available or transparent in working with the WHO. We are doing everything possible and using all the resources available to try to solve it ”.
So, a blow to the circle and one to the barrel, with China in the dock both for the lack of transparency and for the silence on the search for the causes of the Coronavirus. In fact, all the US agencies that work undercover are producing efforts never seen before, there are also cyber security experts at work, to arrive at a solution. And then point the finger and draw consequences on any responsibilities of the nations under control.

It is certainly not new that the Western security apparatuses have been busy for years to discover what the new biological weapons may be and which countries are developing them.
Meanwhile, in the US, despite the vaccination campaign being fast, there is a fear of a fourth wave of infections. Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer says he is in the throes of one of the worst epidemics in the country and his confidence in the vaccination campaign is creaking, so much so that he publicly questions and criticizes it.

But even the leaders of Minnesota and Pennsylvania are calling for clarity and a greater supply of doses to avert the fourth wave. Separately, some experts warn that a fourth wave could come if precautions are not continued. Right now that America is reopening and Americans are letting their guard down. An error that could be fatal.
The data speak for themselves: 77,312 new infected in the last 24 hours and just under a thousand deaths. In total, the victims in the US are 563,446.

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