Biden delivered the State of the Nation Address and called for cooperation with Republicans

by time news

U.S. President Joe Biden delivered the annual State of the Nation address tonight, and addressed mainly economic issues. When he announced his economic plan, Biden said: “My fellow Republicans, we can work together.” Former President Trump responded to Biden’s speech, which lasted about an hour and a quarter, and wrote : “We are going to undo every crisis, failure and disaster that Joe Biden has created”

Tonight US President Joe Biden delivered the “State of the Nation” speech for about an hour and a quarter. This is an annual speech in the Capitol plenary, and every year it attracts a lot of attention and many viewers. According to various reports, Biden and his team have been busy preparing this important speech for weeks, and replaced Countless drafts. Various commentators claim that this speech opens the campaign for running for a second term for Biden, who is approaching the age of 80.

Biden addressed the Republicans in his speech and said that he would be happy to work with them. “If we worked together in the last Congress, there is no reason why we cannot work together in the new Congress. The people sent us a clear message: quarrels for the sake of quarrels, force for the sake of force, conflict for the sake of conflict – do not get us anywhere. This has always been my vision for the country – the restoration of a soul The nation, rebuilding the backbone of America, the middle class. We were sent here to finish the job.”

Referring to the Russia-Ukraine war, Biden said: “Together, we did what America does best. We united NATO and built a global coalition. We stood against Vladimir Putin’s aggression, we stood by the Ukrainian people.”

In his speech, Biden presented the economic achievements of his administration: “We created a record 12 million new jobs – more jobs created in two years than any president has ever created in four years.” He later added that “For too many decades we have imported products and exported jobs. Now, thanks to what we have done, we are exporting American products and creating American jobs,” he said.

Biden also called for a tax increase on the rich, claiming that “no billionaire should pay a lower tax rate than a school teacher or a firefighter”, and asked US residents to purchase and use local products.

At the end of his speech, Biden said: “The soul of this nation is strong, because its backbone is strong, because the people of this nation are strong. The condition of the nation is strong. I have never been more optimistic about our future, about the future of America. We are the United States of America, and there is nothing we cannot do.” achieve if we do it together.”

Former President Donald Trump, who is currently running the 2024 presidential campaign, responded to Biden’s speech: “We are going to undo every crisis, failure and disaster that Joe Biden has created. I am running for the presidency to stop the destruction of our country, and to complete the non- We are all about making America great again. We will make our country better than ever, and we will always put America first.”

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