Biden doesn’t think before he speaks. Thus he thwarts any attempt at dialogue

by time news

Such a statement is not only unfortunate but arbitrary, inappropriate and out of place

Thinking before speaking is an ancient pillar of popular wisdom, which has always been considered the best ally of diplomacy, good reasoning and good education. A pillar that becomes crucial when words have the task of regulating the fragile and more than ever unstable balances that have existed in the world since the war in Ukraine.

Thinking before speaking is just what he can’t do Joseph Robinette Biden Jrotherwise known as Joe Biden. The thing might not interest anyone if it were not that this man without qualities is the 46th president of the United States of America, the worst ever, to the point that many already regret Trump.

This man, after having been the eternal follower and having pursued for a lifetime the dream of sitting in the oval office, at an age when you can barely be a grandfather, one year and two months after taking office he has finally found himself a war to marry and a criminal to execute. That air quality would improve with Biden was hard to believe. But that it would even get worse at current levels, it was impossible to predict.

But let’s get to the facts: a week ago Biden accused Putin of being a war criminala statement that the US State Department immediately took care to downsize, distancing itself from Biden himself.

Yesterday, at an event in Menlo, Iowa, talking about the effect the war in Ukraine has on the higher prices Americans are paying for gas and food – inflation in the US is running at 8.5% – , unexpectedly Biden accused Putin of Genocide. “The horrible things the Russians did in Ukraine changed the picture. I will leave it to the lawyers to decide at the international level if these acts can be defined as genocide but to me it seems to be so “. It seems so to me … Not even anyone who on Twitter or Facebook is firing unsolicited opinions at bischero dissolved.

Such a statement is not only unfortunate but arbitrary, inappropriate and out of place. No one before yesterday had dreamed of talking about genocide. Biden’s accusation is on the front pages and home pages of many American newspapers, such as the Washington Post and CNN. who, worried, underline the risks associated with such declarations, first of all that of nullifying any negotiation or diplomatic solution aimed at ceasefire, truce, agreement, peace.

Among the few to applaud Joe’s irresponsible outcry is the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky, who called Biden’s “true words of a true leader”. Evidently neither of them realize that simply saying that a “genocide” has occurred and proving it in a court of international law are two different things.

It is worth remembering that the term “genocide“was first used by the Polish lawyer Raphäel Lemkin in 1944 to describe the Nazi effort to exterminate Jews during World War II. It was codified as an international crime in the 1948 Genocide Convention, signed by 150 countries, between which is also present Russia. Since then the Convention has been concerned with preventing and punishing, in any corner of the world, any mass extermination. It is therefore not up to Biden, Zelensky, or anyone else to determine whether what is taking place in Ukraine is genocide or not. It is up to the existing committees and official offices in charge to initiate investigations and establish the whereabouts of crimes, perpetrators, guilt.

Talking without thinking, as many seem to have chosen to do, not only Bidencan only feed the rhetoric without construct, exacerbating the positions and pushing one against the other in a spiral of dramatic and Kafkaesque misunderstanding and violence that has no other way out than total war and self-destruction.

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