Biden on Putin’s intentions: “He’s not kidding”

by time news

At an election conference held this weekend, President Biden said about the war in Ukraine, that “the world is at the closest point to a nuclear conflict, in the last 60 years. He emphasized: “I don’t think in this day and age it is possible to use nuclear weapons without causing a disaster on a global scale.”

US President Joe Biden gave a speech to supporters, at a gathering held ahead of the ‘mid-term elections’ expected to take place in the US in about a month, and during the speech, Biden referred, among other things, to the heavy tensions with Russia, in relation to the war in Ukraine and the continuous humiliation that the Ukrainians humiliate Russia, especially in recent weeks.

Biden mentioned the talk of senior Russian officials about the possibility that a decision will be made to use nuclear weapons, as well as the fact that Putin himself mentioned this option in a speech he gave when he announced his decision to annex the four provinces he conquered in Ukraine.

“Putin is not kidding when he talks about the possibility that he will use nuclear, biological or chemical weapons,” Biden said. “We take his threats very seriously, and do not underestimate them at all.” Biden also referred to the reservation of the Russian officials, according to which if nuclear weapons were to be used, it would apparently only be done with tactical nuclear weapons and not with strategic nuclear weapons.

The difference between them is that the tactical nuclear weapon is intended to hit a very focused area, within a radius of several hundred meters, in order to destroy a military company, etc., compared to the strategic nuclear weapon which is intended for mass destruction on a much wider scale, similar to the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in World War II.

The American president emphasized that he does not see a big difference between the two types of nuclear weapons, because in his estimation, just crossing the red line of using nuclear weapons will result in a very rapid deterioration and will also lead to strategic nuclear weapons. “I don’t think in this day and age you can use nuclear weapons without causing a disaster on a global scale,” Biden said.

In the speech, Biden compared the current situation to the famous Cuban Missile Crisis, which took place about sixty years ago, during which there was a high level of nuclear tension and there was fear of a mutual nuclear attack in the immediate term, both in the United States and in the Soviet Union. Biden claimed that the world is currently at the closest point to nuclear war in the last sixty years, since that crisis

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