Biden v. Trump Announces Capitol Anniversary: ​​”Spreads a Network of Lies”

by time news

U.S. President Joe Biden today (Thursday) condemned the violent crowd of former President Donald Trump supporters who broke into the Capitol exactly a year ago, saying “democracy has been attacked” and called on Americans to make sure such an attack “never, never happens again.” Biden aimed directly at Trump, who he said was unable to accept the fact that he lost the election and “created and spread a web of lies about the 2020 election.”

In an aggressive speech, Biden marked the first anniversary of the attempted uprising in the American Capitol by describing that day in full detail – and without naming Trump, by accusing the former president of spreading a “network of lies” about the 2020 election.

“Today a year ago, in this holy place, democracy was attacked, just attacked,” Biden said. “The will of the people was under attack. The constitution, our constitution, faced the most serious threats.”

Throughout the speech, Biden did not mention Trump by name but constantly referred to him as “the former president.”

“For the first time in our history, a president did not just lose an election: he tried to prevent the transfer of power peacefully when a violent mob broke through the Capitol,” Biden said. “But they failed.” He added that the Americans must ensure that such an attack does not happen again.

“Here’s the truth: The former president of the United States of America has created and spread a web of lies regarding the 2020 election,” Biden said. “He did it because he prefers power over principle… because he sees his interest as more important than the interest of his country and the interest of America, and because his bruised ego is more important to him than our democracy or our constitution. He can not accept that he has lost.”

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