BIENALSUR 2023 International Biennial of Contemporary Art of the South

by time news

2023-07-10 00:38:18

BIENALSUR 2023, the International Biennial of Contemporary Art of the South organized by the Argentine National University of Tres de Febrero UNTREFbrings us closer to the most interesting proposals, distributing its exhibitions in a dozen countries throughout South America and Europe.

BIENALSUR 2023 Km 3.8 MATTA Cultural Center (Buenos Aires, ARG) Violence in space. Perspectives from Chile and Argentina

Violence in space. Perspectives from Chile and Argentina

MATTA Cultural Center – Embassy of Chile in Argentina. Buenos Aires, Argentina

Until 07/27/2023

Fifty years after the military coup in Chile and four decades after the return of democracy in Argentina, this exhibition proposes an exercise in archeology around the ways in which our subjectivities and our territories are produced today.

Through narratives, works of art, images, texts, performances, cartographies, and testimonies, the constituent articulation between authoritarian power and some of the principles and practices that are part of the ways in which we think and project our lives today is evidenced. cities and the everyday worlds we inhabit. Among others, the market as a paradigm, violence against the popular sectors, inequality, the different forms of dispossession and the sacrifice and destruction of nature as necessary evils of “development”.

The first section, Fiction, fantasy, spectacle, proposes a review of various types of mediations through which a representation of reality is produced in which the social consensus favorable to the regimes is promoted, staged or amplified. authoritarian in both countries. In the second section, A just city, works are included that propose a critical look at authoritarian pasts and invite to renew the perspectives usually focused on the most outstanding spaces-time due to their institutional gravity or their performative power. What narratives are possible on the margins of tragedy? What utopian power lives in the memory of Allende’s political project? From different perspectives, this section offers interpretative keys to these questions.

BIENALSUR 2023 Km 3.8 MATTA Cultural Center (Buenos Aires, ARG) Violence in space. Perspectives from Chile and Argentina

In the third section, Violence, order and dispossession, stigma, prejudice and systematic and structural violence against the popular sectors are addressed, but also the different forms of resistance that they oppose in creative ways. He later realizes the policies, norms and regulations that guaranteed an institutional framework of possibility and legitimacy to the unfair and unequal production of the city and the territory. Finally, different forms of dispossession are presented that, promoted in authoritarian contexts, persist to this day with their effects and consequences.

This exhibition is the result of intense collaborative work by groups and people who, from art, social sciences, architecture and geography, have been working on these issues on both sides of the mountain range. This exhibition highlights the violent and authoritarian origin of many of the territories we inhabit, the illegitimacy of legal and administrative measures that promote spatial injustice at different scales, and the devices through which the commodification of lives is promoted, territories and future horizons. As a true call to the young generations, this exhibition is also an invitation to imagine new horizons and restore our links with the utopian power of a fair city.

Carlos Salamanca Villamizar – Curatorship

BIENALSUR 2023 Km 3.8 MATTA Cultural Center (Buenos Aires, ARG) Violence in space. Perspectives from Chile and Argentina


Liliana Maresca (ARG) Carlos Masotta (ARG) Ana Catania Maldonado (ARG) Alejandra Celedón (CHL) Lucas Barreto (ARG) Luis Martínez Salas (CHL) Sebastián Chillemi (ARG) Oriana Bernasconi (CHL) Luis Campos-Medina (CHL) Francisco Cardemil (CHL) Emiliana Cereceda (CHL) Violeta Cereceda (CHL) Claudia Daure (CHL) Ricardo Green (CHL) Céline Fercovic (CHL) Constanza Cattaneo (ARG) Pamela Colombo (ARG) Consuelo Contreras (CHL) Josefina Cerda Puga (CHL) Javiera Chavez Skoknic (CHL) Ezequiel Del Bel (ARG) Rolando Durán (CHL) Francisca Geisse (CHL) Nastassja Mancilla Ivaca (CHL) Vicente Navarrete (CHL) Nicolás Navarrete (CHL) Francisca Quezada (CHL) Paola Pastene (ARG) Pablo Piovano (ARG) Camilo Plaza (CHL) Paula Rodríguez Monroy (CHL) Bruno Salvatore (ARG) Sergio Soto (CHL) Rodrigo Suárez (CHL) Melissa Thomas Pavón (CHL) Richard Troncoso (CHL) Santiago Urrutia Reveco (CHL) Cecilia Yáñez Ortiz ( CHL)

Courses. Photo essays 2010-2020

Art X Art – Alfonso and Luz Castillo Foundation. Buenos Aires, Argentina

Until 08/12/2023

For Nicolás Janowski, his training as an anthropologist acts as a starting point from which to start off and then take another direction. In his long-term photographic essays, the research and fieldwork typical of the social sciences are recognized, but in his work, the fictionalization of narratives and the indeterminate and ambiguous opening of meanings of language prevail, without a doubt. poetic. If academic learning instilled in him that there would be an unequivocal way of elaborating and instrumentalizing knowledge, Nicolás, on the contrary, integrates into his images various perspectives and knowledge regarding the problems he investigates, aiming to show that all social order is contingent and , therefore, plausible to be modified.

On this occasion, Janowski presents a selection of works carried out between 2010 and 2020. It consists of five photographic essays: Afro-Argentina, the liquid snake, Adrift in Blue, the intelligence of flowers y Paradise. In them, he explores new ways of documenting reality, new ways of working and making archives visible, proposing a more sensitive and humane approach, both to photographic images and documentary materials.

Janowski’s is a photograph that aspires to tell other stories, that wishes to build bridges of dialogue between various disciplines and knowledge, that aims to build narratives that incorporate renewed perspectives on the macro and micro that surrounds us. Photographs that are not content with the duty to be of the real but aspire to imagine other ways of inhabiting and living together. A photograph that, following Jacques Rancière, tries to open the doors to the political so that it can inscribe itself, ubiquitously and contingently, in the interstices of the social.

Florencia Beats – curatorship


BIENALSUR 2023 KM 5643 CCE Costa Rica (San José, CRI) Intersection Echoes: Body, sexuality and image. The human and the intimate

Echoes intersection: Body, sexuality and image. The human and the intimate
Cultural Center of Spain in Costa Rica. San Jose Costa Rica

Until 03/09/2023

Body, sexuality and image: the human and the intimate, an exhibition held within the framework of the Costa Rica International Film Festival, addresses the body as a traumatic place, but also as the epicenter of artistic creation and gaze, from where the narrative emerges and where, ultimately, all kinds of imaginaries that drink from the intimate, from the violent, from what moves us, hurts us and somehow makes us think and change flourish. The body in relation to the world, in relation to other bodies, continuously traversed by stigmas, fears, affections and metamorphosis, is the common thread that unites all the works that make up this proposal.

Being a (human) body implies a responsibility and thousands of possibilities; onto it we project the cultural and social images that help us to shape it, to condition it in order to contain it. But being a body also implies rebelling against these forms, thinking about desire and identity by manipulating, exploring, questioning one’s own behavior in relation to what we are taught to be, in order to expand it exponentially, enriching it to the point of deforming it, to transcending it. and understand that our body is also in others, connected to an immense network. Intimacy then becomes a common stage, in which to represent ourselves, rehearse ourselves and, above all, meet.

Lara Castro, Noa Castro, Gonzalo E. Veloso, Natalia Solórzano – Curatorship

BIENALSUR 2023 KM 5643 CCE Costa Rica (San José, CRI) Intersection Echoes: Body, sexuality and image. The human and the intimate


Carla Andrade (ESP) Xoán Anleo (ESP) María Cañas (ESP) Oihana Cordero (ESP) Maider Fernández Iriarte (ESP) Xisela Franco (ESP) Virginia García del Pino (ESP) Laida Lertxundi (ESP)

BIENALSUR 2023 Km 383 MAR Museum (Mar del Plata, ARG) EXTRA/ordinary.


MAR – Museum of Contemporary Art of the Province of Buenos Aires. Mar del Plata – Argentina

Until 11/30/2023

We live surrounded by objects. Our daily life is crossed by various artifacts whose functionality is widely varied. We treasure some of them by virtue of the affection they transmit to us and the memories they arouse in us; to others, perhaps, we value them for their proven effectiveness. Things and more things whose presence in our lives we have too naturalized, as naturalized as the ways in which we relate to the customs and consumption practices of our contemporary society. But what happens when those same objects are refunctionalized in a poetic key? What new senses can the things that surround us acquire when they are aesthetically and conceptually reconfigured?

This exhibition brings together a set of works by Argentine and foreign contemporary artists who question the canon of everyday life, revealing a new order that governs it. They appeal to unaccustom our gaze on everyday things to thus reveal their subversive potential. These are works that give new meaning to the horizon of the domestic, producing deviations and estrangements in the iconography of our daily life.

Florencia Beats y Fernando Farina – Curatorship

BIENALSUR 2023 Km 383 MAR Museum (Mar del Plata, ARG) EXTRA/ordinary.


(URY) Peter G. Rosemary (ESP) Mariana Telleria (ARG) Regina Silveira (BRA) Peter Tyler (URY-CHL) Juliana Iriart (ARG) Marie Orensanz (ARG-FRA) Eugenia Bald (ARG) Ali Kazma (TUR). ) Liliana Porter (ARG) Gaspar Libedinsky (ARG) Stephen Alvarez (ARG) Pierre Ardouvin (FRA) Nicholas Bacal (ARG) Irina Kirchuk (ARG) Mimi Laquidara (ARG) Amadeo Azar (ARG) Daniel Basso (ARG) Delia Cancela (ARG). ) Leonardo Alfredo Damonte (ARG) Olga Huyke (COL)

#BIENALSUR #International #Biennial #Contemporary #Art #South

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