Big daily temperature difference, heart pounding… ‘This symptom’ is a risk signal for heart failure

by times news cr

As daily temperature range increases, the risk of cardiovascular disease increases.
Suspicion of heart failure, such as shortness of breath and leg edema
Help with medication, salt control, and consistent exercise

Every year, September 29th is ‘World Heart Day’. During seasonal changes when the daily temperature difference increases, it is easy to be exposed to cardiovascular diseases such as heart failure and myocardial infarction. If symptoms such as shortness of breath or leg swelling appear, it may be a warning signal for heart failure sent by the body.

According to the medical community on the 28th, when the temperature suddenly drops, blood vessels constrict to maintain body temperature, blood pressure rises, and heart rate increases, increasing the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases such as acute myocardial infarction and heart failure. Cardiovascular disease is the second leading cause of death in Korea after cancer.

If the heart muscle is damaged or weakened due to aging, the pump that supplies blood cannot function properly, resulting in heart failure. Approximately 2.6% of the domestic population suffers from heart failure. Heart failure is so fatal that one in 10 patients dies within one year after diagnosis.

Lee Hae-young, a professor of cardiology at Seoul National University Hospital, said, “In particular, the incidence rate increases sharply from people in their 70s and older, and about 1 in 5 people over 80 years old are heart failure patients.” He added, “With heart failure, oxygen and nutrients are not properly supplied to body tissues, which also affects other organs.” “It can affect you,” he said.

Acute heart failure occurs suddenly within a week, while chronic heart failure occurs when heart function gradually decreases. Most heart failure is chronic.

The causes of heart failure include ▲deterioration of heart function due to damage to the heart muscle due to repeated myocardial infarction ▲’dilated cardiomyopathy’ where the heart muscle is congenitally weak ▲the heart being exhausted due to persistent arrhythmia where the pulse is nearly twice as fast as usual There are three. In addition, high blood pressure, valve disease, excessive drinking, stress, and drugs used in anticancer treatment can also cause heart failure.

A typical symptom of heart failure is shortness of breath. You may feel short of breath and cough, especially when lying down. The more the upper body is raised, the easier it is to breathe, so some patients sleep with multiple pillows on top of each other. Another symptom is leg swelling. In case of severe edema, it may take 1 to 2 minutes for it to return to its original state when pressed with a finger.

If heart failure is suspected, an echocardiogram is usually performed. Through this test, the function of the heart can be evaluated by checking the left ventricular ejection fraction (the percentage of blood flow that escapes the left ventricle during heartbeat). If the blood entering the heart is 100%, generally 50~70% is pumped out, so the left ventricular ejection fraction of a normal person is 50~70%. If it falls below this, it can be said that heart function has declined.

In some patients with heart failure, the left ventricular ejection fraction may be normal, so other tests may be performed. In particular, the blood concentration of natriuretic peptide (BNP or NT-BNP), which is secreted when the heart is stretched, is widely used as it is useful in determining the severity of heart failure and the possibility of recurrence.

The most important thing in treating heart failure is drug treatment. It is important to consistently take medications, even if only in small amounts, to increase the contractility of the heart muscle and expand blood vessels to help circulation. Since the drug is mainly developed to treat high blood pressure, people taking it for the first time may experience a drop in blood pressure or dizziness.

It is also important to eat bland foods to prevent salt (sodium) from accumulating in the body. Professor Lee said, “Reducing soup intake with the idea of ​​eating with chopsticks instead of using a spoon can reduce the total amount of sodium in the body while minimizing discomfort.”

To prevent heart failure, you should avoid excessive drinking, stress, and situations that increase your pulse. In addition, you must strictly follow the doctor’s instructions and take medications and undergo periodic checkups. When performing a health checkup, it is best to combine an echocardiogram and a blood test. In particular, exercise helps preserve muscle mass and is important for the long-term survival of heart failure patients. It is recommended to exercise at a level of 70% of maximum exercise capacity that causes a slight sweat on the back.

Professor Lee said, “10% of heart failure patients may fail within a year, but on the contrary, 90% can maintain their health through appropriate treatment and management.” He added, “If you take your medicine well, thoroughly control your daily salt intake, and eat a steady diet. “If you train your heart through exercise, you can live with a healthy heart,” he said.


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2024-09-28 07:15:33

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