Big stars and awards at the Universo Mujer Tour Gala

by time news

In the auditorium of the Madrid Costume Museum, dozens of athletes, federation leaders and representatives of the different organizing institutions gathered at an event chaired by the Secretary of State for Sport, Jose Manuel Francoto celebrate the I Gala of the Women’s Universe Tour. In this event, attached to the event of exceptional public interest “Universo Mujer” of the Higher Sports Council and the Youth Sports Foundation, the impact of their activities to benefit gender equality in society has been highlighted.

The great festival of sport for equality is developed by the aforementioned institutions and the 32 National Federations driven by Iberdrola, and has managed to become a unique reference in Europe, transforming the emblematic squares of cities into large outdoor sports spaces. The first female sports figures passed through the photocall, such as the Olympic champions Sandra Sanchez, Mercedes Coghen, lydia valentin o Adi Iglesias; and the medalist Ona Carbonell. There was also no lack of great national references such as Desiree Vila, Teresa Diaz, Maria Lopez, Bea Pérez, Paula Arcos o Belén Toimilamong other.

The Universo Mujer Tour is a tour promoted by Iberdrola since 2016 and has traveled 20 capitals with the aim of promoting the development of women’s sports as a fundamental pillar in recognizing the role of women in society and disseminating the successes achieved. A good proof of the health of the Universo Mujer Tour is that other 4 new venues during 2023: Cadiz (May 13, 14 and 15); Pamplona (June 10, 11 and 12); badajoz (September 29 and 30 and October 1) and logrono (20, 21 and 22 October).

The Secretary of State for Sport, José Manuel Franco, commented that “you have to believe in equality as the first step to want it to be consolidated, not only in sport but in Spanish society as a whole. We want it to be achieved in a real way, not just in appearances. With this conviction we apply public policies in sports matters. In this aspect, from sport, the social change that we all pursue can be accelerated. What remains to be achieved is more important than what has already been achieved.”

Mario Ruiz Tagle, on behalf of Iberdrola, said that “those of us who make up the company see how we have to bet on sport. It is one of the main paths by which we see that gender equality can be achieved. When I see the effort, dedication, perseverance or perseverance, which are values ​​that are being left aside in the face of so much leisure offer, seeing an athlete with regularity, honesty and transparency is valued”,

For his part, Nacho Solana, director of the Tour, pointed out that “sport has the power to change the world, inspire people better than anyone else and uses a language that speaks to youth in a way that everyone understands. The sport will lead us to the long-awaited gender equality”

Iberdrola, a pioneer in promoting sports practiced by women

The promotion of sports practiced by women has become a key lever for Iberdrola and the promotion of real equality between men and women, one of its essential values. In 2016, Iberdrola became the first company to make a firm and global commitment to equality and the empowerment of women through sport. Currently, the company supports 32 federations: gymnastics, triathlon, rugby, canoeing, badminton, football, handball, volleyball, hockey, table tennis, athletics, karate, boxing, surfing, ice sports, fencing, underwater activities, Bowling, winter sports, weightlifting, judo, Olympic wrestling, mountaineering and climbing, swimming, skating, ball, rowing, squash, taekwondo, tennis, archery and sailing. Likewise, it gives its name to 32 leagues, all of them in the highest category, and to another 100 competitions with naming rights.

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