‘Big Tu’ is terrified of monkey pox Warning not to import illegal wildlife Don’t share Astra injections. Risk of contracting the disease. – Fresh news

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‘Big Tu’ is terrified of monkey pox Warn people not to import illegal wildlife. Don’t be fooled by the Astra injection and risk getting sick. In charge of border surveillance agencies

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On May 25, 65, Thanakorn Wangboonkongchana, spokesman for the Prime Minister’s Office, said Prime Minister Gen. Prayut Chan-o-cha had warned people not to import wild animals illegally. Because it may be dangerous and cause the epidemic of disease. along with acknowledging the relevant agencies Surveillance and scramble along the border both by land and by water. Do not move animals across borders that may lead to the spread of smallpox.

as well as being careful to follow the news Don’t be fooled by fake news when vaccinating against AstraZeneca. The risk of monkey pox is not true, the Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health confirmed. Vaccination against COVID-19 does not pose a risk of monkeypox. This is because monkey pox is caused by a virus of the Poxviridae family in the genus. Orthopoxvirus The monkey pox virus is found in many animals. especially primate and toothed animals.

People can contract the disease through direct contact with the blood, secretions or pustules of an infected animal. or from being bitten by infected animals not eating enough cooked meat Or may be indirectly infected by touching the bed of sick animals. Person-to-person transmission is even less likely.

There is currently no specific treatment for monkey pox. but can also control the outbreak Vaccination against smallpox It can prevent monkey pox by 85%, so people are encouraged not to trust or pass on such false information. continue on various social media channels

A spokesman for the Prime Minister’s Office said that as of today, 5,013 new cases of COVID-19 were found on Wednesday, May 25, 65, categorized as 5,013 domestic cases. 2,201,315 cumulative illnesses (since January 1, 2022)

5,591 recovered, returned home, 2,179,144 cumulative recoveries (since January 1, 2022), 47,268 patients undergoing treatment, 33 deaths. 1,028 people were hospitalized, an average of 13 per province, bed occupancy rate 13.8 percent.

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