BILD has the draft – traffic light is massively sharpening the Corona plan! – Domestic policy

by time news

With us there is NO lockdown, was the Corona promise of the traffic light.

Because of the rapidly increasing number of infections and a lot of criticism (also from their own ranks), the SPD, Greens and FDP are massively sharpening their pandemic plan for the winter.

But: The “epidemic emergency of national scope” as the legal basis of the previous corona measures up to lockdowns with curfews will continue to expire on November 25th – as announced.

▶ ︎ BILD has the revised draft law of the traffic light parties and explains what is new in it.

● Contact restrictions!

The traffic light parties also want to keep the possibility open to dictate to the citizens how many people they can meet in public but also in private.

It is not clear to what extent a distinction is made between vaccinated and unvaccinated people.

● Additional corona instruments for the federal states!

The states should also be given the opportunity to cancel events or close leisure facilities in regionally dire corona situations by means of a state parliament resolution.

Curfews, school closings, sports and travel bans as well as the closing of restaurants and shops are, however, explicitly excluded from the so-called “restricted country opening clause”.

Photo: ddp images / Chris Emil Janßen

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The chairmen of the founding Robert Habeck and Annalena Baerbock (left), SPD chancellor candidate Olaf Scholz and FDP leader Christian LindnerPhoto: ddp images / Chris Emil Janßen

● 3G rule in local and long-distance public transport!

In the future, travel in local and long-distance traffic will only be allowed with a mask AND proof of vaccination, recovery or a negative test result.

● End date March 19th is wobbly!

So far, the traffic lights had agreed on an end date of their Corona plan: March 19. Now the Bundestag should be allowed to extend this package of measures once for a further three months.

All of these measures are in addition to those presented so far.

“The situation is dramatic and is getting worse. The promise is: after many discussions and advice from science, we will present further measures tomorrow, ”said the Green Group leader Karin Göring-Eckhardt, justifying the re-sharpening of the traffic light on Twitter.

So far, the three traffic light parties wanted to get through the crisis with the distance requirements, mask requirements and hygiene requirements and restrictions on the number of people. The sharpest sword here: nationwide 3G rules with the option of 2G.

Now there are contact restrictions, 3G in trains and regionally possible event bans.


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