Bill Gates gives tips on investing in crypto and NFT | life & knowledge

by time news

Bill Gates was responsible for all sorts of nonsense. The first versions of Windows were torture, he believed this internet would not catch on – and then there was also the digital assistant Karl Klammer.

But you could never blame him for one thing: Gates always had a clear view of the essentials. He built Windows when most people still believed that PCs should be controlled with text commands. He threw out his network theory when he saw how the Internet evolved. He was the first to believe in tablet PCs and eventually left his job at Microsoft to pursue really important projects. Today he fights against poverty, hunger and disease.

Whoever thought the idea of ​​an animated paperclip as an assistant was a good idea was drastically wrong

Photo: Microsoft

Gates has always been a nerd at heart. Now the fourth richest man on earth (“Forbes” estimates his fortune at just over $126 billion) has very clear investment tips for anyone who is considering whether it is a good time to get into the high-tech investment cryptocurrencies and /or join NFTs.

The market for NFTs (non-fungible tokens, unforgeable files, the digital version of a unique work of art) is currently undergoing an interesting development: the trading volume is increasing, while at the same time the values ​​of the individual NFTs have recently fallen dramatically. Apparently, one or the other investor has now noticed that buying a grainy image of a streamer for $125,000 wasn’t such a good idea.

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Gates summarizes the NFT business as follows: “It is based 100 percent on the principle that you always have to find someone stupid who pays even more money than you do yourself.” A euphoric buy recommendation looks different.

The Microsoft founder also has a very simple tip for cryptocurrencies. Even before the inflection point in the performance last November, he told the financial service Bloomberg that he did not believe in long-term success. His conclusion: “If you don’t have more money than Elon Musk, you shouldn’t invest in crypto.”

So if you’re tempted by the currently supposedly low prices, just take a look at your account balance: If it’s less than $221 billion, Gates advises caution. If the suffering becomes unbearable, you can invest a small amount. In the event that Gates is similarly correct here as with Karl Klammer.

Photo: BILD

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