Bill Gates launches a new message about the coronavirus and its consequences

by time news


Updated:05/19/2022 17:37h


Microsoft founder, Bill Gates, has shown throughout the coronavirus pandemic its commitment to combat the virus and has allocated large amounts of money to it since its foundation, which it directs together with its wife. Once again he has done it again in a speech at the second Global Summit COVID-19, organized by the United States. In it, he insisted on the need to create a global team of experts that can help the world prepare for new disease threats and announced a new commitment of up to 125 million dollars to fight against covid.

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The American tycoon stated that this money will be used to develop new tools faster and help countries with fewer resources to improve their health systems.

In addition, he sent a message to the rest of the countries to increase investments for this purpose.

“The pandemic is not over yet”, Gates insisted, recalling by video call that only days before he himself had tested positive for Covid. While he acknowledged that the world was not ready to deal with the virus, “the good news is that we know how to prevent the next one,” he noted.

In this sense, he stressed the importance of helping countries with fewer resources to face future pandemics, something on which he will work with the contribution of 125 million dollars. With them, he advanced, disease surveillance will be supported and will help “accelerate the R&D of vaccines, diagnostics and treatments and make them more accessible.”

Collaboration of the rest of the countries

Gates called for the collaboration of the rest of the countries to develop “more robust data systems to identify what is causing deaths around the world” and develop treatments, tests and vaccines much faster than with covid. “We need to continue fighting other endemic infectious diseaseswhich turns out to be a good way to fight emerging diseases as well,” he said.

In his speech, he once again highlighted the importance of vaccines and that it is the elderly, the most vulnerable, who first receive the doses and their reinforcements “regardless of where they live.” “We must allocate life-saving tools based on need rather than wealth,” she insisted.

In this sense, he valued the efforts of Indonesia and the G20 “to catalyze new funds for the pandemic”, as well as those of the G7 for their work with the African Union and other partners, which contribute to international collaboration. “I know we can prevent the next pandemic and make the world a safer and more equitable place if we all act now,” he concluded.

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