Bill Gates on Musk and Twitter Acquisition: “May Exacerbate Pike News”

by time news

Billionaire Bill Gates, the founder of computer giant Microsoft, can not explain why Elon Musk, founder and CEO of Tesla, and the richest man in the world, decided to buy Twitter for $ 44 billion, but raises fears that the spread of Pike News worldwide will expand, according to provocative tweets It sometimes seems that Elon Musk has no plans to restrict freedom of expression at all, without restrictions or censorship including in cases of false information, or in simple Hebrew – spreading lies. Another billion, Jeff Bezos, and Amazon founder, believes there is no risk Little in the purchase of Twitter by Musk and recently tweeted that China could have a pressure engine on Twitter.

“He can make it worse,” Gates told a Wall Street Journal conference about the possibility of spreading Pike-News on Twitter, and went on to ask what Musk’s goal is with Twitter and whether his urge to promote free speech makes sense. “How does he feel about something (on Twitter. NA) that says ‘vaccines kill people’ or that ‘Bill Gates follows people?'” Gates asked. “What are his goals for what it is in the end? Does it fit this idea of ​​a lie spreading so fast and strange conspiracy theories? Is he a partner in this goal or not? ”

Gates, on the other hand, complimented Musk, saying Musk’s record at other companies was “impressive.” He praised his tenure as Tesla and SpaceX and called it “thought-provoking.” Gates said he believes Musk did a good job of assembling a great team of engineers at these companies, but said “I doubt it will happen this time (on Twitter. NA), but we should be open-minded and never underestimate Ayalon.”

Last month, Musk accused Gates of being in a short position on Tesla and actually wanted the stock to go down. Regarding the pointless joke Musk tweeted at Gates’ expense, the founder of Microsoft said the insults did not bother him.

Musk has recently hinted at a number of ways that might interest him to improve Twitter beyond freedom of expression. Two days ago Musk tweeted about the possibility of charging companies for using the platform.

During the Corona period, quite a few Pike News were distributed against the vaccines
As you may recall, quite a bit of Pike News was circulated during the Corona epidemic on social media, with people even claiming that Gates Trail itself distributes the Corona or that it somehow uses vaccines to implant 5G chips in people so it can track their location. The reason for linking the Pike News to Gates is the fact that in 2015 Gates warned that the next danger of the world is not a war but an epidemic, and that the world is not ready for it.

“It’s so unexpected and almost so weird,” Gates said. “Now that I’re back to the physical world … people are rising and shouting and protesting. It’s dangerous when people throw away the main tool used to save people’s lives (vaccines. N.a.)” and explained that he believes that whoever owns social media networks has a role to play Sharing the truth in a good way.

Gates added and hinted at criticism also of the political leadership of former US President Donald Trump and said “when you do not have the trusted leaders who talk about vaccines, it is quite difficult for the platform to act against it. I think we have a leadership problem and we have a platform problem. ”

What is the correct way in Gates’ opinion to publish correct information to the public? In Gates’ opinion, the fact that information about the effectiveness of drugs can move quickly and cheaply is a “blessing to humanity” and said that the hydroxychlorochorin saga – the drug for malaria that people mistakenly claimed to be effective as a corona carpenter and even made countries buy it “is insane. I can not explain it. “But I do not think digital is responsible for this obsession with drugs that do not work.”

Gates said he plans to set up a 3,000-person social media unit to help disseminate accurate information about vaccines in the future. He stressed that “good messages” should be conveyed by people with confidence in the various communities, such as political and ethnic leaders.

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  • 6.

    Everything Gates tells you will be thrown in the trash …





    He also predicts in 2030 there will be a food shortage in the world and why? Because 70% of the agricultural land in the US is owned by him .. so that everything is already planned in advance. I wish this man death in agony before all his visions become a reality.


  • 5.

    Twitter that mimics Trump’s account has no problem with Clinton

    A sack of lies




    Who spread lies about him as if he were a Russian agent or with all those who covered up Biden’s corruption. So the main thing with Twitter is not the truth but which political side are talking about


  • 4.

    Vaccines do kill occasionally





    One should put the truth on the table, and not get health tips from oil like Gates


  • 3.

    Well … another “Democrat” fascist





    Who is afraid that the truth will be told about him and his “vaccines” on social media. By now the subject has been completely silenced on all social networks, he is dying for fear that the truth will go free like this and there will be no Orwell Ministry of Truth to silence it.


  • 2.

    Does one tax supporter support population thinning ?!





    And give him another stage


  • Load more
  • 1.

    The opposite is correct





    The opposite is true and will allow people of different opinions to express themselves compared to the left-wing Gates blocking mouths. Congratulations to Ayalon Musk, we hope it will become the mouth of the silent majority ….. I wish there was one like that here too ……..


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