Billions of birds killed by glass buildings: The company that found the solution| Dinamalar

by time news

Nowadays, the facades of buildings in cities are decorated with mirrors. As they reflect the surrounding trees and sky, birds can accidentally crash into them and die. Millions of birds die every year just like this.

Cities today are full of apartment buildings. Due to the increase in population, many of the residences are being converted into flats. An act we do for the sake of our development is dangerous to the birds and they die. Knowing this, the German glass company ‘Arnold’ has found an alternative solution from the organism itself.

The creature is a type of spider that spins a coiled orb web. They build their nets to reflect UV rays to prevent birds from bumping into them and damaging them. Because birds can see ultraviolet radiation that humans can’t see.

So the company tested this by placing two mirrors inside a large box, painting one with a UV marker to look like a spider’s web, and placing a plain mirror in the other. In this experiment, 76% of the birds thought the mirror was a spider’s web and walked away. So based on this they have developed a glass called ‘Armlex’.

Now it is used in America, Europe and other countries and is saving many birds. Nature is common to all. Although the technological developments are increasing, the same technological development must protect the nature and the living organisms that depend on it. It is through such efforts that the situation is balanced.

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