Bills must look completely different: A big change due to the new law

by time news

The The Opportunities for Growth Act According to the government, it brings together various measures to relieve companies of tax burdens, reduce bureaucracy and therefore improve the framework conditions for investments and innovations. Sounds good, but the hammer comes when you look at the law.

One of the main points places great new demands on all companies subject to VAT in Germany: the electronic invoice (e-invoice). mandatory from January 1, 2025 get up The new regulation only covers invoices between German companies, ie business-to-business (B2B) invoices as they are known within Germany.

So if company A writes an invoice to company B, a PDF file sent by email will no longer suffice in the future. There are specific machine-readable formats behind the e-invoice. Simple word processing or spreadsheet programs such as Word or Excel are not sufficient for this, which is why it is necessary to use invoicing or accounting software.

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