Bills paid with cocaine dealing money. 35-year-old arrested

by time news

PESARO – He had been staying in a hotel for a month and a half, paying his bills with drug money. The mobile squad arrested a 35-year-old Albanian, unemployed, found with 60 grams of cocaine. The man has been repeating this modus operandi since 2021, so much so that he had already stayed in two hotels in the Rimini area and been arrested twice after a period of dealing.


In detail

The investigators of the Pesaro mobile squad, coordinated by the director Paolo Badioli, during their usual info-investigative activity conducted on the territory had focused on a 35-year-old Albanian, without a residence permit, who had been living for at least a month in a Pesaro hotel, suspected of running a cocaine dealing business. The same man was already known for similar crimes committed in previous years in places in the nearby province of Rimini. With the Ferragosto holiday just around the corner and cocaine being the most “desired” drug for nightlife, the agents tightened their circle and they were not wrong. The subsequent stakeouts and tailings allowed them to stop the 35-year-old as he was returning to the hotel from the train station. This very circumstance allowed them to hypothesize a possible and plausible drug supply carried out precisely for the imminent start of the “Ferragosto” holiday and the long holiday weekend. The agents intervened by stopping the man and subjecting him to a search. Hidden in the private parts was a package containing cocaine weighing just under 60 grams. The investigative hypothesis formulated was thus fully confirmed. The searches extended to the hotel room also allowed for the discovery and seizure of additional cocaine weighing approximately 5.5 grams already divided into 6 doses ready to be sold, the sum of 540 euros as well as clippings and packages and anything else necessary for dealing, confirming that the illicit activity was not occasional at all but had been going on for some time. The foreigner was arrested. Yesterday, defended by the lawyer Carlotta Venturi of the Rimini Bar Association (Studio Orrù), the man appeared before the judge for a summary trial. He apologized. The judge validated the arrest and left him in prison.

Party drugs then, like the one intercepted by the agents of the mobile squad on the evening of August 10, the Night of the Candles. Two police officers off duty and at the beach with their families, at the end of Viale Trieste, Fano side, noticed some suspicious movements made by two young people, Albanians also on the beach, a few umbrellas away.

The previous one

The two were not thinking about sunbathing and swimming, but they received phone calls, went out into the street and came back. Until they picked up a previously hidden package from under the sand. This did not go unnoticed, so much so that it arose more than one suspicion that the two could, right in that place, among the bathers and despite the children running and playing around them, carry out a drug dealing activity. And so it was. One of the two went out into the street to meet a customer and was stopped with a dose. The other pusher was also caught and from under the sand the bag with 22 grams and 500 euros in cash emerged. Both arrested.

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