Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Oil Corporation, Farhat Ben Qaddara, discussed the challenges and difficulties facing sector users and ways to overcome them, during a meeting with the President of the Oil and Gas Workers Union, Saad Dinar Al-Fakhri, the President of the General Union of the National Oil Corporation, the head of the Union of the Corporation’s branch in the city of Benghazi, and some heads of unions and federations. sub.
Bin Qaddara stressed the importance of the role of oil workers unions in conveying the reality of the situation of employees in the sector and defending their rights, expressing the readiness of the Corporation’s Board of Directors to stand with the Oil Workers Union, praising the role of all workers in effectively contributing to raising the level of production rate, until it reached one million and four hundred. One thousand barrels per day.
In turn, the Oil Workers Union and the heads of unions in oil companies praised the achievements achieved for the benefit of the sector’s employees since the Board of Directors headed by Farhat Bin Qaddara took over, which include increasing workers’ salaries, raising the level of financial advances, training and appointing new graduates, developing external training programs that targeted most workers in the sector, and increasing the bonus. field, stressing the stability witnessed by the sector, which was reflected positively in increasing daily production rates to record levels despite the lack of disbursement of the necessary budgets for this.
The heads of the oil workers’ unions presented certificates of appreciation and honorary shields to the Chairman of the Board of Directors in appreciation and loyalty to his role in advancing the sector.
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