Biodiversity and climate change, with Fernando Valladares, closing of the ‘ABC Future Dialogues’ cycle

by time news


Updated:07/06/2022 02:53h


This Wednesday, June 8 at 10:30 a.m., the latest edition of the Diálogos de Futuro cycle will be held, a series of meetings organized by the ABC Diary in collaboration with the “la Caixa” Foundation, which has brought together leading Spanish researchers and reflected on some of the transcendental issues facing today’s society.

After the interventions of Juan Ignacio Cirac, director of the Theoretical Division of the Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics in Garching, Germany, who clarified concepts on quantum computing, a disruptive technology that promises to change the world; and María Blasco, Scientific Director of the National Cancer Research Center and one of the most influential scientists in cancer research worldwide, who addressed the future of cancer research and the biological limits of human beings, the cycle closes this Wednesday June 8 with the participation of Ferdinand Valladares.

Research Professor at the CSIC, director of the Ecology and Global Change group at the National Museum of Natural Sciences and Jaume I Prize winner in the category of Environmental Protection, Dr. Valladares is an example of how a researcher with an excellent scientific career can transfer knowledge, in a clear and didactic way, in a field as transcendental as the environment and climate change. To expose his theories on the urgency of climate change and the need to maintain biodiversity to build a sustainable future, Fernando Valladares will hold a conversation with Patricia Biosca, Science editor of Diario ABC.

The ABC Future Dialogues are held in Classroom 1 of CaixaForum Madrid, at Paseo del Prado 36, and can be followed live at this link

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