“Birth rate closely linked to the economy, without changes everything will collapse”

by time news

2023-05-11 11:37:01

“The birth rate is an issue that concerns the economic and social health of the country. It has nothing to do with values ​​or political alignments, but what happens in the present and what will happen in the future to all of us, without exception. One fact above all: we are to the negative record of 339,000 births against 700,000 deaths. If something doesn’t change, everything will collapse in a few years”. This was stated by the president of the Foundation for the Natality Gigi De Palo as he opened the works of the third edition of the States General of the Natality entitled ‘Sos-Tenere#quota500mila’, underway at the Auditorium della Conciliazione in Rome.

“What hurts the most about the Italian demographic situation is that the desire of a people does not find concrete solutions in government policies. And I use the plural because nothing has changed for about forty years. We shouldn’t sleep at night in front of this desire of two children per woman in contrast with the birth rate of 1.24. Because this shows us that we have the solution to the demographic winter at home, but we don’t know how to implement it. – added De Palo – Lo 0, 76 that is missing are called dreams and desires of a people that Italy is unable to achieve. What a pity. Appropriate aid, as taught by France and other advanced democracies, can lead people to follow their desires. It is a matter of removing obstacles, not to invent complicated things”.

De Palo then addressed the question of work, underlining that companies “already find it difficult to find workers today, let alone in a few years. And the GDP? If there are no workers who will produce wealth? The media? What is digitization for if not Are more digital natives being born? Sport? For a couple of years, the coach of the Italian national team Roberto Mancini has been complaining about the fact that there are few forwards in Italy. It is like this: if fewer children are born, the possibility of choice decreases. Banks? Schools “Today Italy is firmly in eighth place as an economic power in the world if it doesn’t reverse its trend in about twenty years it will drop to 25th place. Birth rates and the economy are closely linked”.

“Not to mention that the birth of a child – continued De Palo – also improves the quality of our citizenship: an older society has the effect not only of a smaller workforce, but also of a lower creative and innovative force. And this is affecting and will affect more and more the quality of life of everyone, to whatever alignment we belong and whatever our reference values ​​are”.

#Birth #rate #closely #linked #economy #collapse

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