Birth rates are at an all-time low; Crisis in China | China

by time news

Birth rates in China are at an all-time low, according to a report released by the National Bureau of Statistics. The total birth rate in China in 2021 will be 7.52 per thousand. 2021 saw the lowest birth rate in China’s 73 – year history. In 2020, the birth rate in China was 8.52 per 1,000 live births. Birth rates throughout the world have dropped dramatically already due to strong family planning.

Last August, China approved a law that would allow up to three children to cope with declining population. China’s law has been rewritten following a sharp decline in the number of young people in the census. It is reported that the interest of young people in the country to get married and have children is declining.

Experts point out that factors such as high work pressure, advances in women’s education, women’s financial independence and high cost of living also influenced the birth rate. Many couples give up the desire to have more than one child because they think it will be a financial obligation. Chinese authorities claim that the one-child policy, which has been in place for more than three decades, has prevented more than 400 million births.


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