BIT Milan, Alberobello is a candidate as Italian Capital of Culture 2027

by time news

2024-02-05 23:00:00

Italian Capital of Culture 2027: Alberobello, Noci, Polignano a Mare and Castellana Grotte present “PIETRAMADRE”

The Puglia Region stood out among the territorial presences on display at the International Tourism Exchange (BIT), an annual event hosted this year in Milan at the Allianz MiCo from 4 to 6 February. The second day, surrounded by an atmosphere of novelty and innovation, became the ideal opportunity to present the candidacy of Alberobello “Italian Capital of Culture 2027”chosen as the leader of the group made up of the Municipalities of Alberobello, Polignano a mare, Castellana Grotte e Nights.

MOTHERSTONE” is the name of this bold concept, born from the collaboration between the architect Marco Piva and the study GEMANCO Design, together with the visions of the municipal administrations involved. As told during the presentation conference, MOTHERSTONE it is not just an abstract concept, but a tangible path that winds from the coast to the valley, revealing underground treasures shaped by nature and legendary architecture shaped by civilization.

The surprising proposal of the four municipalities offers new perspectives of cultural circularity, in a game of mirrors where the past generates the present in an infinite temporal flow. Time, clear and crystallized in stone, becomes the underlying theme of a compelling story that expands across the centuries.

The interview by to Francesco Intini, Mayor of Noci

The project MOTHERSTONE was born from a common idea, from the desire for collaboration of four communities closely linked to their territory. “We are convinced, through our peculiarities, that we can offer real added value to a ‘territorial’ candidacy“, said the Mayor of Noci Francesco Intini. “The biggest challenge is precisely that of planning a different territory and realities, with their differences and affinities“.

The goal is to grow, to ensure that our kids stay to work with us and have the feeling of carrying forward a project that sees them involved in something big and satisfying“, concluded the Mayor Intini. “This is precisely the profound meaning of the candidacy: doing something to grow together“.

The comment by Francesco De Carlo, Mayor of Alberobello, ad

Il Mayor of Alberobello Francesco De Carlohe told the microphones of how the project was born MOTHERSTONE and why Alberobello was chosen as the leader among the municipalities. “The idea of ​​nominating Alberobello as a possible Capital of Italian Culture was already present in the development project of the city itself. However, we decided to translate the project into a work capable of involving the entire territory, moving from Alberobello 2027 to ‘Alberobello – Polignano a Mare – Castellana Grotte – Noci 2027’“.

PIETRAMADRE is a project that talks about us; of a territory that has differences and profound affinities“he said From Carlo. “Thinking together, we discovered that stone is the element that best connects us, precisely because it is what characterizes us. From the coast of Polignano, to the caves of Castellana, up to the farms and walls and trulli of our beautiful countryside, now a UNESCO heritage site since 1996“.

The statements of Vito Carrieri, Mayor of Polignano a Mare, ad

Like Alberobello, Noci and Castellana Grotte, Polignano also represents a key icon for Apulian and national tourism. “To date, it is important to maintain constant and further qualify Polignano’s tourist offer“, has explained Vito Carrieri, Mayor of Polignano a mare. “To achieve this objective, we have decided to consolidate the most important events, known throughout the territory. Among all, it is worth mentioning the annual event with Red Bull and diving, and the literary festival ‘The possible book’, which has assumed a level of national importance. Or even Meraviglioso Modugno, the singing festival dedicated to the figure of our fellow citizen, which this year will be celebrated for three days“.

The interview by to Domi Ciliberti, Mayor of Castellana Grotte

We chose Alberobello as the leader because we are certain that, as a UNESCO site, it will be able to give us further added value“he said Domi Ciliberti, Mayor of Castellana Grotte. “We have a wonderful territory at our disposal, enclosed in a strip of land with a perfectly triangular shape, which extends from the 135 meters depth of the Castellana Caves to the trulli of Alberobello. Stone is the common element, the common thread that unites our history and which led to the choice of the name PIETRAMADRE. For this reason, we are certain that we will make our candidacy count”.

Castellana Grotte has an important history behind it, beyond the caves which constitute its true jewel in the crown. We have the oldest Italian tradition of fire with the Fanove night, the culture that was born following the Plague that struck Castellana in December 1690. Over the centuries, Castellana has also recognized an important role for women; in fact we are the only community that was governed for 6 centuries by a woman, an abbess who assumed both temporal and spiritual powers: a unicum in the history of the church“, he concluded Ciliberti. “Often, we are so used to having contact with so much beauty every day that we tend not to notice it. Yet, there is still so much to tell”.

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